View Full Version : so tired and fed up..

31-10-10, 23:06
Im so tired, its reallygetting tome now not sleeping much, finding it hard to keep going as no energy. Saw kinesiologist who suggested some supplements and remedies that may help me relax and settle so hopefully they will work soon. They better co si have so much to do and not gatting much done due ot being so tired and not being able to concentrate, just about had enough now, i then get worried and anxious as i havent done what i need to do and start panicking about it.... ill just shut up...sorry

01-11-10, 06:54
How about putting some time aside everyday or whenever you feel the need to do some relaxation techniques or meditation? Close the curtains and lock the doors, phone off and have some time dedicated to chilling yourself out. Make sure you eat regular and eat good food not junk. Set yourself little tasks to do and make sure you do them. You will achieve a target by doing this and it will give you a boost. Keep off the coffee and fags and drink water.

Hope this helps a bit

01-11-10, 13:49
not being able to sleep is just awful and definetly makes everything seem a hundred times worse. Are you on any meds? Have you considered trying sleepign tablets for a while to get back into a routine? No its not the answer but I know that since i have been on mitrazpine and have been able to sleep again i feel much stronger and more able to fight this. x

01-11-10, 18:47
thanks robs and ems for the reply,

its a good idea to maybe take sometime out and relax i find it hard to do at mo but i will try thanks for the reminder.

i dont like going to the doc or taking any meds but hoping supplements i am taking will help me. i just need to sleep and i know ill feel at least a bit better.

thanks tc