View Full Version : desperate for help !!

01-11-10, 15:05
please could someone help me iv joined this site to help my wife as shes just getting over depression but now shes suffering badly with anxiety attacks she says it feels like there is a lump in her throat and other times her throat is tightening up like shes going to choke. after all shes been through with depression this is the last thing she needs, my question is : is there medication for anxiety ? and can you take it with anti depression medication ?

ps, she is on 150mg dosulepin. any help would be greatly appreciated,

01-11-10, 15:18
Hi Johnny, welcome to the forum.

I'm not an expert on medication but I believe that those often used for anxiety can also be used for depression.

It sounds like what your lady is suffering from is Globus Hystericus, there are posts about it here.


I hope they will be of some use.

01-11-10, 17:25
Hi Johnny take the mrs back to the docs and ask for a change of meds

01-11-10, 18:20
I was on dosulepin for some years...... thought it was helping at the time. Didn't think they were supposed to dish that out any more according to the recent guidelines I've seen....... it really is very dangerous even on a slight overdose.
I had the lump in the throat for several weeks after I had a motorbike accident..... my wife was driving at the time!! It will just clear up on its own and if she can just accept that, it will hopefully go even quicker!...... caused by stress/anxiety.