View Full Version : Shoulders up to my ears!

01-11-10, 15:20
Since i was little, ive slept with my shoulders right up to my ears.

Whenever i get tense or nervous, i begin to move my shoulders upwards and bring my arms in as a defensive mechanism.

When I used to work, customers who dealt in reiki and such would always comment on how i held 'a lot of tension' around my neck and shoulders.. though at the time I couldnt see what they meant.

Over the last 2 years or so , ive noticed in photos that i do not have a smooth downward line on my neck and shoulders that my friends do, an in comparison it makes me looked like im hunching, when im not..

Now more recently, in the morning, my shoulders are so painfully tensed that I feel like my shoulders are crunching and clicking very loudly when i try to move them to make myself more comfertable.

I dont know how people sleep with thier shoulders so far away from thier ears, it seems like if i tried i would have to make a consious effort to correct it.. and at times i have tried, when i start relaxing, my shoulders naturally fall back up to my ears...

its starting to become painful now, and i dont know what to do to change it.

i cant afford massages and yoga classes or anything of cost, and i hate taking long baths, because i ALWAYS get a panic attack (im more of a shower girl)...

what can i do to help relieve this... any ideas?

thanks guys, xxxx

01-11-10, 15:40
I'm the same. I hold most of my tension in my shoulders. My joints also click and crack when I try to move them around.
You can use the shower to help with the muscles. Just aim the shower head at that area and stand there letting the warm water massage you.

01-11-10, 17:20

01-11-10, 17:30
what about looking at local colleges that do trainign in holistic therapies? Most city colleges run massage courses and they often offer vastly discounted treatments (though are supervisied). My friend trained in indian head massage and I know people coudl go and see her for about 5 pounds. Also, what about lookign into local pilates classes? They often run these at all leisure centres and this may help build your core muscles and therefore correct your posture. Also, it may be worth mentioning to your GP as he may be able to refer you to physio if it is a problem with your posture etc. Just some thoughts.... x

01-11-10, 17:31
another thought.l..you could also have a look on you tube for info on alexander technique/ pilates which both address posture x

02-11-10, 08:52
I suffer from this as well, and as soon as I get stressed, I feel myself starting to hunch my shoulders. I did a bit of Alexander Technique when I was at college (long time ago now! :)) but I have to say I did find it useful, and as a result of it, my posture is usually fairly good. I reckon that gentle exercise would also help, as it would be quite difficult for you to stay in your "stressed" posture whilst moving about. Or try singing! It's very, very difficult to sing with your shoulders hunched, and it's actually quite a neat aerobic exercise.

Kerry B
02-11-10, 09:41
Hi I suffer with tension in my shoulders and find Reiki and massage really helps sometimes the massage can be painfull which just shows how tense i really am.