View Full Version : Piles or worse????

01-11-10, 15:22
Having a bit of a wobbler here. Over the weekend I've been having problems with my bottom, my first thought it could be Piles, then I did the stupid thing and googled it, now I'm thinking its a prolapsed rectum and its gonna turn into a perforated colon etc, etc. Going out of my mind with worry. Going to the docs but couldn't get an appointment til Thursday!!!

My symptoms are:

Spots of blood on tissue after going to the toilet
Feels like something is pushing out of my bum on its own accord...yes this is a weird sensation and a scary one.
Sore bum
Aching back

Can anyone put my mind at ease.

Hazel B
01-11-10, 15:37
Hi, sounds like piles/a fissure to me. The blood should be "fresh" looking i.e. bright red, not a deep colour like tar (darker blood comes from further inside somewhere and should be checked out). You may also get itchiness as well as soreness & it hurts a bit to poo. The pushing you feel may be an internal pile, it is uncomfortable but can be treated with cream and pessaries.

It should clear after a week, drink lots of water to avoid constipation and eat soluble fibre foods such as oats & lots of fruit and veg.

See your doc if it goes on longer than a week, it's embarrasing but they have seen it all before.

01-11-10, 15:51
Thanks Hazel, I really appreciate the reply.x