View Full Version : This is going to sound embarassing but it's scaring me when I look it up

01-11-10, 16:06
For a while now I have had a bit of skin issues

Bad itching and sores on my legs, which I have cream for, scalp psoraisis and stuff but just now my main concern is in the folds of my thighs/groin, i dont know how to explain it but it seems like they rub together a lot or there's something very serious there as most nights it's extremely itchy in those areas and it comes out in a massive rash and when i look online you don't want to even know what comes up. I am fearing the worst as always

Has anyone else had it before ?

Between this and the non stop red patch on my tongue that hasn't went away that the dentist and doctors tell me is harmless (I believe the internet, not them) it's driving me mad and I fear this christmas and new year will be like last year where I spent it in fear and despair for some bad news to happen to me

01-11-10, 16:11
There are a few things the thigh/groin problem could be
First, are you over weight? Does your skin rub when you move? I believe there is a cream out there that can help with this.
Second, could you have a fungal infection? I had excema in my armpits years ago, which turned into a fungal infection because the skin was broken. Look at the rash and if its got a rounded shape to it, then it could be a fungal infection.
Third, could it be a sweat rash/ medicine rash? My mum came out in rashes all over her body during this summer that was related to the meds and the temperature.

For all of them I would advise keeping the skin clean. Don't use harsh soaps. I'm sure you have some aqueous cream that you can use as a soap. Make sure you dry it thoroughly and use a separate towel from other people, in case it is a fungal infection.

I hope this helps :)

01-11-10, 16:16
Thanks for your reply.

I probably have gained weight due to comfort eating and anxiety. Used to be 10 stone before I got like this. Now I've put on 3 stone and counting. It's a nightmare. I can't use that as an excuse but before I had any problems with stress and HA I was in good shape and had a healthy mindset about life.

I will do my best and try and think it's a small issue and a common one.

Just can't stop thinking the internet is correct about stuff

01-11-10, 16:20
The way I look at it, is that the internet only has our input to go on. And since we think every twinge is the sign of a heart attack, it gives us an outcome based on that! We catastrophise the symptoms and in return it gives us the worst outcome :D
You've got delicate skin, that's all. :)

01-11-10, 17:53
Please don't look things up on the internet. Just because you can doesn't mean you should. 10 years ago health anxiety was down and so was mass internet usage - any connection?
Boring skin complaints don't make exciting webpages.
If dr google was any good there would be no need for gps. Unfortunately dr google is worse than dr frankenstein when it comes to scaring people.