View Full Version : I feel it comin

13-03-06, 21:22
I ant been on for a while as things have been slowly getting worse so berried my head in the housework.
But no amount of cleaning is helping today,every little thing just makes me feel worse.
I make cards and now have several my partner has a friend who will put them in the kiosk but not knowing what to charge nothing has come of it.
A friend called I showed her to ask for her advice she was really nice and said between 250 and 350 I was really thrilled til my partner came home and said he didnt think they would sell at that,DEVISTATED.
My daughter came down and stuck her phone in my ear,it was her friends dad they were off out for tea and wondered if she could go,when was my first question.He could pick her up in 20 minutes.I ended up agreeing,what choice did I have.
She came back at seven and asked if she could sleep,I said "NO,NOT ON A SCHOOL NIGHT".Its okay she will take me.
In the end I just said WHATEVER,GO ASK YOUR DAD
I had said NO,no one listens or cares and I dont see the point.
I feel the tremor and try to stop the tears.

13-03-06, 21:39

I am confused by this post as to what you are telling us or asking. Can you explain.


13-03-06, 21:45
Well that says it all for me really if people here dont understand what chance do I have.

13-03-06, 21:53
Maybe you didn't make it very clear what your point was or what you were asking for advice on.

Maybe it just me not reading it right.


13-03-06, 21:55
Hi Dawn

Reading between the lines it sounds like everything seems to be happening at once your house & your starting to feel everything is getting out of control.
As Jackie has mentioned before Claire Weekes books are very good on handling anxiety try giving them ago.
Apart from that be good to yourself sounds like you need a really goodnights sleep hun & some well earned relaxation of your own.

Keep Positive

Thinking of you

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

13-03-06, 21:59
Hi Dawn,

I couldn't quite understand your post either, maybe if you could explain a bit better then we can try to help hun.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

13-03-06, 23:49
Hi Dawn

People here will always be here to support you. I guess you are finding everything hard and the discipline you display to your daughter falls on deaf ears and i understand that as my daughter who is 10 respects nothing i say at the moment.

We are here to help and hope you post some more hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

13-03-06, 23:59
Thankyou but the time has passed.
All I wanted was for kind words and someone to say it would be okay but instead I got attitude and lessons on how to reply,see cant even do that right.
To be honest if someone doesn't understand then they should leave it to those who do and just not reply as there abrupt comments can be dangerous to people her and from what I have read Im not the first to feel like this.
kindness costs nothing.

14-03-06, 00:01

Rejection is the last thing you need to feel and i am here to listen as i said by my post.

Life isnt easy and when we feel like we do it just feels so much harder and we need as many people as we can to support or just understand and listen to us. Im here and dont like to see you so upset. You can talk to me and dont give in on here, people will care and i do.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

14-03-06, 00:21
dawn, no one ment to upset u more with asking you to explain again, its just the more people know the more they can uderstand and help, like u i feel jumpy and aggitated when smeone asks me to do something or tell them again WHAY CANT YOU UNDERSTAND THE FIRST TIME is what i always say, but its my anxiety making em this way and stressed so i calmed down and decided maybe i need to explain again. i hope this makes sense, im here for you every step of the way if u want someone to be. as for your daughter shes just doing what every kid does beg to have there mates over or go to theres maybe ur very protective of her now and want her in your sight always which is why u get so aggitated? Nicola and tracie just wanted to understand u better none of them mnt to patronise u into telling or explaining better it was just for your sake.

if u want to keep in touch PM me at anytime

hope ive helped and not annoyed you more

katy x

14-03-06, 00:25
Hi Dawn

Sent you a pm hun. Keep in touch.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

14-03-06, 08:21

Sorry if I upset you - that was not my intention atall.


14-03-06, 09:57
Hi Hun,

Hope your feeling abit better today.

Have sent you a pm also.

Thinking of you.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

14-03-06, 10:40
Hi dawn,

Ive just read your post and I can totally identify with that out of control feeling. Like all this stuff is going on around you and you're spinning in the middle. I dont know if like me you find it hard to make decisions, even simple ones can leave my head in a whirl with my insides churning in case I make the wrong one.

As for kids, they seem to know exactly what buttons to press and also in my experience how to pick their moments (usually when I'm feeling at my weakest). I have 3 (kids) and they regularly put me on the spot about staying out etc, when either their friends or their friends parents are right there, leaving you with little choice (or so it seems). i always end up changing my mind about 6 times before letting them do things and then beat myself up for being so inconsistent. They definitely know my weak spots. And I also have that not listened to feeling.

Sorry I cant be more helpful but just wanted to say I understand.

Hope you're feeling better


14-03-06, 23:09
Hi Hun

People are thinking of you and no one genuinely meant any harm by their posts. You wanted to hear things will get better and trust me they do, hard work but it does happen and is well achievable and we will help you all we can..

Keep in touch.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

Ma Larkin
15-03-06, 09:32
Aw Dawn! Don't feel as though you don't matter cos you do. I often feel like a piece missing out of a jigsaw, especially where the kids are concerned. They just don't listen at times, but I suppose I'm too soft with them. When I say NO they seem to think I really mean YES! I know the feeling hun. It gets so frustrating that I end up sitting there in tears that just won't stop, but once its out of my system, I take a big sigh & just get on with it. Sometimes I only feel wanted in cases of emergencies with the kids. I don't have a partner so I can only relate to the kids. Can you get out? If you can have a look in card shops, most of them sell hand-made cards these days, & see how much they charge & price yours to something similar. I would pay that little bit extra for that personal touch.

Hope you feel better soon.

Les, xx

06-04-09, 03:51
hi dawn u seem as if uve got the world against u n noboby is listenin things will get better talk about ur fears n how n wots makin u the way u feel even talk to me if it makes u feel better av been where u r no kids tho but u will start to feel better soon keep positive ;-]

30-05-09, 01:50
hi dawn hope things r better for u memba everyday is a new day takecare