View Full Version : Help me please !!!!

01-11-10, 16:16
hi everybody :blush:
ive been suffering with really bad panic attacks for about 8 weeks now i thought finding out what was wrong with me would make them disappear but since being diagnosed with polycistic ovaries about 4 weeks ago they have got worse i dontseem tobe able todo everyday tasks ifeel constsntly dizzy and tierd and im often sick when it gets to much. i went tomy doctors but he refused to give me any medication i feel at my wits end !! (as if im going crazy:scared11:)
any advice on how to deal with the attacks would be greatley appreaciated :D xxxx

01-11-10, 16:18
Hi kayleigh

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

01-11-10, 16:24

Im new to the site too. I cant offer any help as i feel as though im in the same position as you. I too suffer from sereve panic attacks and have polycistic overies. But it is comforting to know that other people are in the same boat as you. I hope things get better for you and any awesome advise you recieve will be greatly appreciated x

01-11-10, 16:26
Hi, I just wondered if you were physically sick when it got too much?

01-11-10, 16:28
hi oz its an awful feeling isnt just feel at times i have no were to turn :weep: cant wait to start feeling like myself i cant leave the house either even a trip to the doctors last week triggered one...... do you often have times when you go really calm aswell like your to calm if you get what i mean xx

01-11-10, 16:30
yes lucy...... and im finding i cant really eat either...... do you do the same ?x

01-11-10, 16:43
Hey, i too am struggling with leaving the house. You wonder how it got to this state...?! And like you i dont feel myself, its horrible missing out on things with family and friends because of the panic attacks. And even harder trying to axplain to them why you cant go because let face it unless you suffer from panic attacks its a pretty difficult thing for others to understand. I do have calm moments, its usually (for me anyhow) after having panic attacks being so tired and just wanted to be on your own and with out realising it youve sat in your room watching tv for hours!
As for eating it depends, if i know i have to go out or will have to in a few days time i cant eat with worry but other times i eat find but only if i know i dont have to go anywhere. x

01-11-10, 16:58
yes oz iused to be such an out oging person only a coulpe of months ago now i find i panic over everything........... i even panic about being calm like my heart is beating to slowly then ii panic about feeling tierd because i dont know whether i am tierd or im going to go unconcious and no-one will notrying to sleep is the worst..... the doctorshavent been any help just gave me a website to look at http://www.cci.health.wa.gov.au/ ( go to resources then click on consumers) which hasnt helped at all.... i feel at my wits end with it all xx

01-11-10, 16:58
Your kidding your doc wouldnt help you?!
If you seriously feel its affecting your life go and see another doctor. Not only should they offer medication but they should offer councelling at least in which you can be taught how to pull your self out of the panic feeling when you feel a panic attack coming on.
The feeling your getting is the 'fight or flight' mode your body puts itself in when it feels its in danger. Your adrenalin will buzz round you and then after you have calmed down you will feel wiped out and knackered and sick. No one can go on like that.
Get back to your docs!!x

01-11-10, 17:03
hey serafina
yes my doctor refused to help they said they dont want to put me on anything because im trying to concieve which is why all the attacks started..... but the way im feeling there is no chance of trying :blush: and at the same time i would be useless feeling like this if it did happen... im going to go back tommorow i think and demand they do something xx

01-11-10, 17:07
I dont blame you one bit!!
Even if they give you something just to help a little.. its unfair to let you suffer like this.

Good luck with the concieving!!:D

01-11-10, 17:15
thanks :winks: i dont think it will happen whilst feeling like this xx
do you know of any tablets that help that i can suggest to my doctor ?