View Full Version : Horrible cold with evil sore throat

01-11-10, 17:16
I know this is going round at the moment because my husband had it last week! and he has kindly passed it on to me this week:mad:also two of my neighbours were saying they had had terrible sore throats and colds worse than they had had in a long time.

I am at the stage of burning razer blades in my throat and up to back of my nose. Swallowing and god forbid couging is agony and makes my eyes water- my face feels as if its gong to explode and I ache plus my thermostat is a bit wonky!

Again my husband had this all last week- he is much better now but had a sleepless night last night as everytime I laid down I choked. Tried sleeping upright but no success.

Is this THING all over the country or just around here at present??

01-11-10, 17:19
i had it two weeks ago and i have it again now. throat feels like im been eating fibreglass. itll go soon enough, try to relax, drink plenty og water and take something for your throat.

01-11-10, 21:54
Funny you should say its come back as my husband who had it last week says he feels as if its coming back again.
I have a craving for loads of hot tea - GP once told me to drink loads of hot tea to clear the mucus from your throat and trachea so will keep the intake up!
worst thing is I cannot talk for long or my voice goes very hoarse and I cough and I am a chatterbox as you may have noticed:blush:

02-11-10, 04:56
I had this few weeks ago, really is a horrible virus! I live near Birmingham but my friend in Manchester had it last week so I think it's goin round the UK. I caught it from my mum, she had it for about 3 weeks, I only had it about 1 week though. I thought I was getting it back last week cuz my left tonsil started to REALLY hurt and I felt all sick and dizzy like you do when you're just getting a tempurature but it only lasted about 3 days! It'll clear up evenutally, in my experience the 1st 3 days were the worst. :) x

02-11-10, 05:08
Me too. I lost my voice for three days. Coughing really bad in morning. I still have a dry cough now and that's three weeks ago. My kids are slowly getting it one by one.

It does seem a lot worse this year.


02-11-10, 13:33
Thanks everyone - yes first three days are the worst. The awful sore throat has improved but now the cough has hit big time, I really really hate coughs as I always feel tight chested and start to panic that I have a chest infection. I have been to Dr every time I get a cough from a cold and never have I had any infection its just sensitive throat/trachea.

Anyone got a thingy that I can shove down my throat and have a good scratch with:D