View Full Version : Had a bad day

01-11-10, 17:29
I had an awful day at work today, I had an argument with a woman who I work with. It was so embarrassing as other people at work heard and also customers (I work in a shop). I'm not an argumentative person but I was forced into a corner (metaphorically) I've got the day off tommorrow but am dreading going in on Wednesday. I was wondering if anyone else has had this happen to them? I'm feeling embarrassed and upset about the whole thing :weep:

01-11-10, 18:32
I also work in a shop. Since becoming a lot better I am much more likely to stand up for myself if I feel that I am in the right. It is always better though to come down. I know that you feel angry but it is better to apologise to this woman and say that on this occasion you both have different points of view. I also work in a male dominated enviroment and the lady that I often spar with works less hours than I do. She drives me nuts sometimes but at the end of the day you will have to work with this woman so it is better to make your peace now? I have arranged a Christmas meal for our work to go to Zizzis. This lady went through the menu and said 'I don't like this and I don't like that' I explained that if the chef has warning he will prepare something plain for her. In the end I told her that she didn't have to come!! (She is still coming) Try not to fight in front of customers as you could face disiplinary action. She still drives me nuts as she can never find anything so comes to me for help. At the end of the day you will have to make your peace. You have done nothing wrong having a difference of opinion. If she won't apologise then you might have to get your supervisor involved. Best of luck but remember you have done nothing wrong. EJ.

01-11-10, 18:42
Hi sorry tohear about you day, i have in the past had arguements with people at work but it takes a lot for me to do this, sometimes you say things and perhaps you could of said them differently but in the heat of the moment its hard. Im sue onc eyouve had a day off you can go back to work and resolve it tc

01-11-10, 20:43
Thanks for the comments. This woman who I will call 'R' has never been very friendly or approachable but as it's only the two of us who work in our department we have to communicate with each other. Today she came in on her day off, to 'help me out'. She seemed to be in a mood though and I was already feeling drained from a bad night with my little girl the night before. I decided to leave an hour early and make up the hour later in the week (as far as I know we're allowed to do this). I said I was going but she came after me and said it wasn't fair to leave her to finish all the work when she'd come in especially to help me. She kept going on about how I shouldn't be leaving and asking what the matter was so in the end I said that I find her difficult to work with. We weren't shouting and swearing or anything, it was more of a heated discussion. I told the area manager afterwards about what happened and she's going to phone me tommorrow to try and sort things out. I had already been thinking of transferring to another branch that isn't much further away, now I definitely want to!

01-11-10, 21:29
I understand how hard it must be for you working with someone that you don't get on with. You could explain that you need to go early to look after your daughter. I know that you should not have to do this but sometimes the people we work with can be incredibly thick/insensitive/ignorant. If you think that it would help you to transfer to another branch then you could ask about this? I hope things work out for you. My colleague and I don't see eye to eye because in theory she should have been made redundant when we stopped selling cds. She is unable to do the job anymore which involves computer work (basic) and research as well as finding music in the shop (we have thousands of titles so no easy task) We do joke about it sometimes and I say 'it is in the usual place' but it isn't a joke really and I do find the situation irritating. I hope that your own situation resolves itself

paula lynne
01-11-10, 21:48
Im sorry youve had a bad day, heres hoping it will sort itself out soon, just wanted to send you a hug really :hugs::hugs::hugs: