View Full Version : Is this normal???

01-11-10, 17:51
Hi, i've been suffering from depression/anxiety/panic attacks for a few months now. I have obsessive, negative thoughts about me/other people dying. I was just wondering whether anybody else feels at their worst in the morning??? Whenever I wake up I feel this horrible sensation like my hairs are sticking up on end, I get a big chill, and I feel so sick, My thoughts racing round my head and I go into a big panic. I hate it so much!! Has anybody else felt like this??? xx

01-11-10, 18:01
Hi Amy...dont worry your not alone in your feelings...i have negative,intrusive thoughts all the time when im low.....i wake up ok for about 30 secs then the anxiety sets in really bad and its game over for the day.
Ive had a day from hell today and im a truck driver which is not good with this condition....not sure how much i can take at the mo,feel like im going out of my mind!
I hate this so much ...what do i have to do to get it to go away???????????????

01-11-10, 18:06
Dear Amy, I wake up every morning with overwhelming anxiety. Racing heart, shakiness, every feeling possible. I have to get up immediately. Then I come on here and play numerous games until the feelings subside, which they generally do. I'm really bad at the moment as I have a mammogram on Wednesday and am sick with worry. I too have the obsessive, negative thoughts. Like you, I hate it sooooooo much. I am having cbt at the moment but had only had two sessions before I had the letter re the mammogram, which has sent me into an unbelievable state. If you are not having any cbt I suggest you talk to your doctor and see if he can refer you, or, maybe you can self-refer (which is what I did). I am determined to see this through cos it's so horrid to feel like this. I also have Paul McKenna's Deep Relaxation on my ipod and sometimes I try to stay in bed and listen to that. Believe me, you are not alone! Take care x

01-11-10, 18:12
I know, it's absolutely awful, this site really helps me, as all I want is reassurance ALL THE TIME and at least I know i'm not alone!! I hate the mornings too. I feel like slapping myself some days.. It seems like my head just takes over and I feel like i'm going mad! I'm on fluoxetine (prozac) at the moment and going to see a counsellor soon. I really hope it gets better for you soon..xxx

01-11-10, 18:13
Thanks for your replies xx

01-11-10, 18:16
seems like a lot of us are having a really bad time at the moment.....me included!!!..... my love to you all ......we can and will beat this xx

01-11-10, 22:41
I think you'll find a lot of us are worse in the mornings. I seem to feel a whole lot better after lunch time has passed.

02-11-10, 09:46
oh the mornings, that 30 seconds at the beginning where you think everything is ok then it hits you. i spend most mornings wretching into the kitchen sink. as hard as it is we just have to get on with our day :(
i too feel better after lunch but mostly lose it again by the evening.. xx

02-11-10, 09:48
oh and i also have intrusive thoughts, only on 2nd session of CBT but when I am getting into a real state i tell myself "its only in my head, remember all the other times where i have been wrong about these thoughts and nothing has happened" i say that over and over again maybe it could help for you