View Full Version : Anyone had this...feeling giddy, heart racing..pls help

01-11-10, 18:05
I have health anxiety, it seems that when I finally believe one symptom is anxiety and not the dreaded "c" word something else comes up...

I have sinus issues but the past few days I've been feeling dizzy, sometimes it's room spinning but more like a "giddy" feeling like I"m unsteady on my feet and feeling "unbalanced". I had some headaches a few days ago but they are better. I do have sinus congestion and earaches, so I'm hoping its to do with that. I looked up some of the symptoms (I know I shouldn't do that) and I saw links to brain tumors now I"m very scared and I"m getting tingling sensations in my hands and feet and also my eyes feel weird (not blurry just little floaty things every now and then) and my heart is racing very badly. I'm scared to go to the Doctor but if I have an ear infeciton or sinus infection I probably need antibiotics but I'm so scared she will think it's a brain tumor and send me for a brain scan..has anyone else had this? Could it be a tumour on my brain? I am really scared and it really annoys me when I get rid of one thing something else happens, I just want to be symptom free and not be thinking of cancer and leaving my husband all the time...please help, thanks so much.

01-11-10, 18:15
yes i have the same but because we suffer from anxiety we think of the worse even tho its a slight minor problem . i have had bad back ache for a few days and even tho its only backache, i think im gonna go paralysed of a slipped disc or something sounds stupid but thats health anxiety we over exaggerate the problem and fear the worse .

01-11-10, 19:56
I now and watching every thing to see what happens, every time I get a symptom I just think brain tumor, please someone reassure me, I don't want to go through this every day, I know it's a choice, but it's just so hard

01-11-10, 20:04
this sounds like a normal day to me too, but the chances are u will lead a happy healthy long life. i think you need to get some real help, and if u havnt already, sit down with ur GP and tell them everything that u have written above! ur totally wasting ur life away with worrying and its gonna take over ur whole life. its so hard and no one truely understands until they have been through it! i was so convinced i had cervical c the other week and asked for a smear test but my GP refused cos wasnt due one til next year. turns out ive completely imagined all these symptoms cos theyv gone now! and cancer symptoms dont just come and go!ive promised myself every time ive had a health anxiety "relapse" for the last 7 years ive suffered from it that "thats it! it wont beat me again" 7 years later its still trying. every single waking hour is a battle with my thoughts but ive got to keep going for my family, husband and 3 young children. the youngest being just 8 months old.
im sure health wise ur fine, as i have them symptoms every day too, its amazing what your thoughts can do to u! x

01-11-10, 20:13
i agree with with Dreena, we tend to get a pain or feeling and think the worst, i know i do !!!! my latest one is that i think i am going to swollow my tongue !!! which is totaly irrational, it's nearly impossible to do unless you've been in an accident and been knocked out, i found this out by phoning my GP and now i don't worry about it. My advice is phone your doctor and get advice, oh and try not to worry

02-11-10, 16:48
I am really reluctant to tell my GP because all they want to do is hand out anti-depressants or anti-anxiety and I have been on those before, all they do (for me anyway) is mask the real problem and the side effects of those are terrible so I never want to go down that road again. I know I have to get a handle on these worries. I get sick of things going and then another problem comes up. I'm more into natural remedies. anyone have a good remedy for controlling the anxiety and not worrying? Some days it really takes over your life

03-11-10, 14:54
Well I went to the Dr this morning as my sinuses feel pretty congested. I told her I was worried I had some Neurological thing as I was feeling off balance and dizzy and I did tell her I had some anxiety over it as I was getting tingling in my hands and feet. She seemed to think the congestion in my sinuses was cuasing this but she did soem basic Neurological tests such as me walking in a straight line, she shone a light in my eyes and asked me to follow it with my eyes whilst she moved it, I had to do some co-ordination exercises, she said it all seemed fine. I just am still anxious as I am scared it's a brain tumor or something Neurological. What do you think? I have to take anti-biotics for 5 days and see how I go, I hope it's just a case of a sinus infection and nothing more.

03-11-10, 15:36

03-11-10, 21:26

The feeling giddy will be a physical symptom from your ears i have suffered that in the past and still get it on and off sometimes, the doctor will give u a pill to stop u from feeling giddy until your ears are sorted, mine was an inner ear infection that i didnt even know i had all i knew was that i was either feeling giddy or felt like i was falling when sitting down at a pc ... its horrible but it is a symptom it can also be anxiety but i hope the above puts your mind at rest.

03-11-10, 22:17
Hiya Kittn77

My dad gets the same things if he has a bit of a cold as it affects his ears (and his sinuses too) just in the way you describe.

I get the same too and 'yes' I was also convinced I had a brain tumor, eye tumor, ME and everything else that I googled and read up on too. Of course I haven't go any of those and I am finally realising that I was just convincing myself that I had them based on what google and the internet was 'telling' me !

Up until a week ago I was googling every little ache, pain, symptom. Infact I was even reading about illnesses and diseases that I had never even heard of but happened to pop up when I searched.

I suddenly realsied that all this searching and reading was not only taking up all my time but that I was becoming obsessed with it and it was making me and my symtoms worse.

I now realise that I seem to have developed 'health anxiety' and I'm convinced that it's BECAUSE OF THE INTERNET and the huge amount of information and symptoms checkers that are available for us all to use to try and diagnose our own illnesses rather to that ask or rely on the doctors and specialists who are trained and experienced enough to do it.

I didn't even know HA existed or that people suffered from it until I found this site and forum and it seems to be one of the most common areas of discussion when you look at the number of people viewing this one area at any one time compared to all the areas on the site.

If I had no computer, I wouldn't have searched, so I wouldn't have read, so I wouldn't have thought 'I had it, ' so I wouldn't have become worried, anxious and stressed...so I wouldn't have searched again... and again.. and again .. and no doubt if I hadn't all my 'symptoms' would have gone away a long time ago.

And finally... as I can't believe I just typed all that and you probably hate me now

Try this... next time you get something in your eye (ie you know why your eye is watering, why it is sore or why you can't see properly out of it) try googling the symptoms. Bet it wont tell you you have just poked your eye with your mascara brush.

Or next time you sit cross legged for too long and your leg goes numb... try googling a numb leg.... bet it wont tell you that you that you have been sitting funny.

Or next time you poke your toothbrush bristles into your gum by accident and make it bleed or if you bite your tongue and make it swollen and sore... google that.... you'll be suprised at what it says probably wrong with you..... I WAS

04-11-10, 18:01
Thanks I appreciate the replies.

Dizz I agree with you googling can be catastrophic for HA sufferers. I'm making a big effort NOT to do it. Every time I want to google I do something more pleasant. I have started up my hobby of cardmaking again, I want to do some something more constructive than wasting my life on HA. It's not to say it's not there but I'm trying to control it. I still worry about my symptoms but I'm going to try and give myself positive talk when I get them and how I DO have a sinus infection and there are logical reasons for my symptoms AND my Doctor has checked me over for Neurological symptoms and I was good. I just hate HA, it's awful!! but I do know I don't want to keep wasting time like this, it's precious. I have a wonderful husband who adores me and hates seeing me suffer, it's time to take more control and try harder.

04-11-10, 18:12
Dizz.......promise me you wont google anything again...its the worst possible thing to do....trust me xx

05-11-10, 21:25
i totally understand your view on anti depression/anxiety tablets. ive always refused them, instead i do CBT. it helps you to get control of ur thought rather than your thoughts controling you.
as for this balance problem, if it was a brain tumour your symptoms wouldnt come and go, and you would have passed out and been hospitalised by now. im not trying to patronise you as ive been through all this before and had many many tests and even an MRI scan! and me being able to write this to you, and give you advice like this tells me that years of CBT has paid off, cos going back 3 years ago i would never have believed it myself!
i still get pins n needles in my head, off balance, tinitus, i had hearing tests tests were they make u follow a light with ur eyes, were they lay u down and make u get up fast, u name it i have had it! i think its definatly anxiety for sure! or possibly a middle ear infection like labarynthitis or vertigo even, witch i suffer from too.
also these are bought on by anxiety.
you are in a vicious circle at the moment, you just cant seem to see its the anxiety thats doing this too u. this is why i think you would benefit from CBT. u may already know what CBT is. but if u dont, google it x