View Full Version : Mucus diarrhea - please help

01-11-10, 18:33
I have had a bad cold last week and then on Saturday I had to go home from work with a temp of 39 and had diarrhea Sat pm, Sunday still had temp of 39 and another bout of diarrhea. Woke up this morning and my temperature was back to normal, but when I went for a wee I passed bloody mucus and have passed nothing but jelly like mucus every time I go to the loo (which is often!) Very scared that I have some nasty cancer or Chrons disease...please help...

01-11-10, 18:50
Hi Rach hun it's been a long time :)

Sorry you have not been well hun, there is such a lot going about these last few weeks (hence the reason i'm back:blush:) Your problem could be due to medication that you have been taking. Pete has problems like you discribe a few time throughout the year and has had a heap load of tests and everything is fine, he takes quite a lot of meds each day so they have put it down to that.

Have you taken any different meds?

Take care

Trish x

01-11-10, 18:52
Rach is the bloody mucus from the back passage or when you spend a penny?

Trish x

01-11-10, 18:55
Hey Trish,
Good to hear from you, sorry you are feeling the need to back on the boards though. I haven't taken any different meds, so don't know what it is to be honest and I'm freaking out...
Take care yourself xx

01-11-10, 18:56
Back passage x

01-11-10, 19:19
Thought as much hun, yep that is what happens to Pete. I really don't think it's anything to worry about Rach but if still happening tomorrow I would pop to see your GP to lay your fears at rest.

Yeah back again hun there's always something to worry about:blush:


Trish x

01-11-10, 19:54
This is really scary now, what is wrong with me? Can it be IBS related? anyone had this?

01-11-10, 19:56
Did it just start at the weekend? Have you got any other pains in the bowels/abdomen?

Most likely it is IBS though.

01-11-10, 20:02
I have slight cramps in my lower abdomen and it is tender to touch.

01-11-10, 20:02
Sorry and yes it started on Saturday, blood & mucus started today though

01-11-10, 20:14
Is the blood in the mucus or on the toilet paper when wiping for example?

01-11-10, 20:17
The blood was in the mucus, not on the toilet paper. It's just continual every 30 minutes or so - though more mucus than blood now I think...

01-11-10, 20:22
You could have a nasty stomach bug or something similar. Maybe pop to the docs in the morning if you are no better.

01-11-10, 20:23
Also if you have internal piles then the blood could be coming from them as well.

01-11-10, 20:25
Thanks Nicola, appreciate your replies - will go see the GP in the morning as I can't go on like this...

01-11-10, 21:19
Let us know how you get on.

02-11-10, 10:26
Just back from the doctors and he says I've got a stomach infection or food poisioning. There is nothing that he can do for me, I just have to wait it out...

One question I forgot to ask him though is can you have stomach bugs/food poisioning and not vomit? And he said to eat bland food when I'm starting to get better, what is best to eat?

Thanks in advance x

02-11-10, 15:21
Yes, it's certainly possibly to have a stomach bug and not vomit - I've done this a number of times as I can usually talk myself out of being sick.

As far as eating bland food goes, you could try something like toast or cereals, or plain biscuits to start with. Yoghurt is also fine, particularly the probiotic ones as they contain the "friendly" bugs that live in our guts anyway.

02-11-10, 16:42
Ahh cool nothing sinister then and like I suspected just a bug

03-11-10, 15:22
Have been back to the doctors today and my stomach was getting better so I ate something yesterday afternoon. Then my problems started again and I noticed that I passed a worm (sorry..) So I spent the rest of the evening/night crying freaking out and googling (sensible I know)

Well anyway when I went to the drs today she asked me lots of questions, examined my stomach and did an internal and has asked me to for blood tests and to provide 2 seperate stool samples.

Now my question is this, as I am not eating, I am not going to the loo ver often if at all - how can I produce 2 samples, how much do I have to provide? I also feel under pressure as she said that certain parasites can damage your lungs & kidneys and if I do have worms/parasites I want them gone ASAP and I have missed todays blood test clinic. I also have a cough which is a sign that worms are in your lungs...*sigh*