View Full Version : fed up

01-11-10, 19:33
hi all
ive been on here quite a while now ad suffered with anxiety along time. Every time its something new, latley im exhausted and feeling very sicky this is making me very anxious, my eyes are always hurting and going blurry had my eyes tested they are ok.Thing is this now really affecting mr on a evenng. I cant cope with the feeling of being tired and i cant relax and sleep. I ay overbreathing and coughing and my head always feels very strange and my whole body feels weak and tingling.

Im so fed up of living like this now i currently see a physicatric nurse weekly. I have so much going off in my head and i just want to get better.
I dont have much family support with anxiety my husband and family find it hard to dea with amd i get fed up of having to apologise and hearing hw they cant cope I CANT COPE NEITHER and im living with it.

Does it ever end ive always thought ut in the past but latley i feel im fighting a losing battle x

01-11-10, 19:44
i feel exactly the same i am always anxiuos with blurred vision.....
i feelim always tierd even though ive only just woken up this makes me panic even more because i think im going to fall unconscious which makes mepanic itslike a never ending circle xx
pm me if youever need a chat xx

01-11-10, 19:46
Hi Scaredstiff, I really feel for you, I know exactly what you mean. Today I had a cbt session and we talked about the family thing. He explained that I was worrying about worrying because, like you, I keep apologising to my family because I feel so awful being the way I am. I hate it!!! He then asked me to put a percentage on how much I actually thought it impacted on their lives ie do they still go about there normal lives etc. The answer to this is 'yes, they do'. In other words I am beating myself up thinking that I am a complete burden on them, when in actual fact I am not as much of a burden as I think I am. He is going to make me do a questionnaire to ask them so I will give you the details. He drew a chart showing the 'trigger', then what this causes, ie predicting the future, catastrophizing etc which causes the anxiety; then he showed the 'worry about worry' part when, people like us, worry about the impact on our family which then causes us even more anxiety which feeds into the anxiety that we already have - thereby doubling our anxiety!When we are at a really low ebb I am sure we are not much fun to be with, but the truth is we are not like this all the time - even we have some good moments! I am sure you husband gets frustrated with you, I know mine does, but a lot of that is that they feel helpless and, quite frankly, we all know that the only person who can really help us is ourselves. Hang on in there and look after yourself x

01-11-10, 19:47
I meant 'their' normal lives, not 'there' - oops, not concentrating enough! lol x

01-11-10, 19:56
thank u guys kayleigh i get that feeling too about falling unconcious im petrified im going to die . jillyb im exactly the same i feel on edge around certain people cos i like to no that the person im with understands and will help if i need them to. I dont always say it i just think in my head, If i arrange to go out etc i asses the situation really fast in my head like will they help can i get help. A big part of my family just ignore my anxiety and wont except it my mum for example refuses to believe i have it. I asked her a few weeks ago to watch my children while i went to councilling to a response of what you jave councilling for. x My hubby is strange he shouts and gets angry in situations thennthat makes me feel worse ive lost the feeling safe with him, ive tried explaining to him that when he notices im going cos he says he does just to distract me from my thoughts by asking me random questions etc, but today i started going and he just said i can tell your anxious your talking rubbish cant you just be quiet? I have started thinking about my marriage now cos what ever happened to in sicknes and in health i didnt ask to be like this none of us do. wish someone could make my thoughts go away x