View Full Version : help! really worried, new to all this

01-11-10, 19:42
hi i'm william i'm 17 sorry if this is posted in the wrong place. on friday i felt and could see my stomach beating in time with my heart and i stupidly typed into google "pulse in stomach" and the first result was abdominol aneurysm this scared the sh""" out of me and i went up and told my mum and she said i was being stupid and my sisters said they get this as well which sort of calmed me dwn. That night i was sitting in my sisters having a drink and i just kept thinking this isn't real this is just a dream that i'm having and i started feeling weird around my own sister and i started crying because all i could think was that i was losing my mind and i would be but into a mentol institution and would get to the point were i would no longer recognise who i was or who my family was. I then went round home to my granny's (who i live with) with my brother and i started to calm down and then i started to think about the aneurysm thing again and i started freaking out again getting dizzy and stuff and my brother had went to sleep and i needed to talk to someone so i went back round to my sisters and was sitting there for a while i then rang my mum and said can i talk to you (6.00 in the morning) she said yes of course so i went over and told her that i thought i was losing my mind and that i can't stop thinking about the aneurysm thing. She told me to come and show her were and what i had read on google i showed her and she read it and said that i didn't even fall into the category of people who get aneurysms. i still believed that i did but i just ended up goin back down to my granny's ened up falling asleep. The next day i woke up and was happy for like two minutes because i had surrvived the night but i then started thinking about it again and was gettin paniky so went back up to mums and asked her to ring the bell dock and she got angry with me because she was busy trying to get things organised for a holloween party but she did have good talk with me and it calmed me dwn i helped her clean the house which took my mind of things and lifted my mood a bit. I got my costume on and went to the party i was fine at first but then i got a small pain around my lower abdomen which gradually got sorer and sorer my mum left the party and went to the hospitol with me which made me feel really bad because i had ruined her night. I went in to the triage nurse and told about the pain and how i thought i might have an aneurysm she said if i had an aneurysm then i would be really sick but they would examine me anyway. So i was called into the doctor and she pushed down all around my abdomen and said that she thinks the pain is anxiety related but didn't say nothing about an aneurysm so my question is if there was an aneurysm would she have felt it? Sorry about babbling on im new to this. thanks for taking the time to read this.

paula lynne
01-11-10, 19:55
Welcome William, its nice to know you. Reading the column on the left is a great place to start, until you get a feel for the forum x Best wishes x

paula lynne
01-11-10, 19:56
William, try not to visit DOCTOR GOOGLE...we dont like him much on here! x

01-11-10, 19:58
It is perfectly normal to see your heart beat in your stomach, have a search for previous posts on here about it. Try something like "heartbeat stomach" in titles only using the search facility

01-11-10, 20:05
thanks very much for the welcome and thanks for the replys :)

01-11-10, 22:01
William I bet your skinny - most 17 yr old boys are so you will see your heartbeat much more easily if you are thin than if you had a big fat belly!

My uncle had an abdominal aneurysm which he lived with from his 60's and died of something else at 84. its almost unheard of for someone of your age to get one as its predominetly men over 60 with a family history or who have done huge amounts of heavy lifting for years.

Your suffering from health anxiety which makes you worry about normal bodily things.

YOur far too young to be worrying like this - I started with health anxiety in childhood and it has had huge impact on my life so don't waste your life worrying do the best you can to go out there and enjoy every minute of your life.

02-11-10, 05:42
I remember when I first saw my heart beatin in my tummy, freaked me out too! Is completely normal though and yea, if you'd had an abdominal anuresm she would have known x

02-11-10, 07:02
Hi Will

Yip don't go to Dr Google, I have heard he makes a lot of it up ;).

I have laid on the sofa before, and seen the TV remote bounce up and down on my tummy (sadly, I am not skinny ;)) due to just your whole circulation system being on anxiety overdrive. It's pretty common when you are anxious.

If you are finding you are dwelling on negative health thoughts william, don't be shy to go back to your GP and just explain how you feel, because you are too young mate to be worrying about your health.

Save that for when you get to my age ;)

