View Full Version : anyone know there is no end to it?!

01-11-10, 21:37
wondered if anyone out there feels like me...

i basically know with the things that have happend in my life that i will never be happy again.

i dont mean i will never smile again or be seen to be in a good mood....... i mean i will never feel joy again inside.

i have a mask on all the time at work or around people but as soon as i get in the house i never smile.

i never smile unless i have to to, to make others feel comfortable because i dont want to be seen as miserable but the truth is i feel hopeless, lost and miserable all the time because the things that have happend due to me and circumstances can never be changed!

basically what i am saying is i know for sure i will never feel happy again...even when i smile it completly fake.

the sad thing is im sure it will always be that way from now on!

paula lynne
01-11-10, 22:07
Dont be so sure...little windows of joy pop up when you least expect it.
Please dont give up on life, and all the wonderful things it offers us.
Dont give up x
You will smile for real again one day.....you will. x:hugs:

02-11-10, 00:22

02-11-10, 10:05
Hi RW,

i am sorry you feel this way :( . The hardest part of depression is that it makes it seem as though there is no way out.

Research in the past 10 years has shown that the brain is incredibly plastic and through your thoughts and actions you can actually change the state and shape of your brain! http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/belief/2010/jan/05/religion-buddhism

it doesn't matter if you are religious, meditation can be a completely secular pursuit. It takes time but you should know that it's open to anybody and anybody can change the state of their mind over time and create happiness.

good luck :)