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06-03-04, 15:00
Just thought id post to say Hi as Ive only just now joined.
Glad to see its not just me that sometimes feels anxious and panicky. Im 19 and a student from Leeds, although im studying at Teesside. Been suffering badly from anxiety for about two months now, but at first I thought I was going crazy which made it ten times worse and scared me more than I have ever been before.

Already read through a couple of posts which made me feel better to be honest because I can relate to some of the feelings people have.
Anyone else feel like they were losing it before they realised they had an anxiety disorder? Sometimes on a night I used to feel so anxious I would just want to go to bed and wake up normal. Does this sound familiar to anyone?


06-03-04, 17:00
Hiya James

Welcome to the site, glad youve read some posts and found them useful.
What you describe sounds all too familiar to me as it will to many others on here.
Have a good look around, theres loads of coping techniques on here from breathing techniques to lifestyle changing tips.

love Sarah

06-03-04, 19:35
Hi James

Welcome to the site. You will find loads of help on here as you have already seen if you have read some posts.

Anxiety is terrible isn't it cos it gets you all the time?

Do you work atall? Are you on any medication?


06-03-04, 19:43
Hiya James,

Welcome to the site, glad that you have found us!

Kate x

07-03-04, 14:40
Hiya James
I'm glad you found this site as you will find it a tremendous help to you. Keep reading and keep posting, nobody minds how often you do that and are not jusgemental about what you aske or tell us about - so, welcome aboard!

The first two emotions which you described are probably the first that everyone feels - intense fear and thought that you are going mad. The intense fear can be controlled, as you may have read in some of the postings, to the point where it is totally manageable and the good thing is, if you know that you are having 'strange' stuff going on, you can't be crazy/mad/insane because if you were you wouldn't realise it!!!!

Just about everyone on this site would like to wake up 'normal' and some get around to doing just that, with just the odd episode of feeling unreal or whatever their problem is. This 'affliction' is something that you have to work at in order to feel somewhere about right - but it is worth it in the end.

Let us know if you have anything else specific you would like to ask - we are all here to help and all understand what you are experiencing to some degree.

Best of luck


10-03-04, 12:59
Hi again, sorry its been a while for me to reply, I took a visit home from uni and didnt have internet access.
In answer to a couple of the questions, im not on any medication and the only work i do is of the academic variety (occasionally!)

Cheers all for your replies and messages of encouragement. I cant tell you how much of a relief it is to hear some of the stuff you have written because its difficult trying to talk to people who dont understand what your on about as im sure a few of you have discovered.
Has anyone here looked into or tried any kind of therapy and if so what kind of results did you get?


10-03-04, 13:05
I have been to therapy because like yourself I didnt understand what was happening to me and didnt understand why. I am still seeing my therapist and it is really helping me to talk. I think because I was always so strong (or so I thought) I didnt want to talk to close family or friends, although I have spoken in detail to my parents and they know everything, I find it helps to talk to someone who gets paid to listen and help. Partly because it means I dont feel as guilty taking up their time and partly because I needed to learn I couldnt do it alone and that I had to get used to sometimes taking other peoples advice. It has helped me a lot, try it and see how you go, no harm if its not for you
Laura xx

10-03-04, 16:34
Hi James ,

On the home page of this site there are several kinds of therapy explained in detail .
Have a look at that first . The one ' in favour' at present with the scientists is CBT .

I desperately wanted to wake up normal - after quite some time of hard work and lots of effort - it happened and stayed ! You can do the same.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

11-03-04, 08:52
James, I have a CBT Starworker called Karen.
She is lovely. She takes me for walks and gives me visualization and walking excersises to do at home.

I give that a full thumbs up

Love, light and Best wishes
Liz xxx

[:p] Panic Monster & Scatty Eccentric