View Full Version : Pains/Breathing

01-11-10, 22:22
Haven't really been on here today as i keep getting bad chest discomfort and stomach pain as well as pain between my shoulder blades.

My breathing doesn't seem good the last few days either and my throat pain is also getting much worse.

I feel stiff and like someone is pushing down on my stomach, chest and back.


01-11-10, 23:08
"have two nurofen and call me in the morning",

01-11-10, 23:18
Have you been on the computer all day and worrying?

01-11-10, 23:33
Sounds like muscle tension

02-11-10, 05:28
Are you sittin for too long? I was sat on the comp for like...8 hours straight one day last week cuz I was alone and wanted to be distracted and I got really bad pain all in my chest an between my shoulder blades. It's what happens if you sit for too long unfortunatley and anxiety enhances the pain. Your breathings probs gone all funny cuz your winding yourself up about it. x

02-11-10, 06:53
So what do you think it is eggy? because I am not even going to bother trying to convince you it's anxiety ;).

When I have full blown anxiety (rare now, but I used to get it daily), I get all that plus dizzy, surreal, ectopics, head pressure, sweating, restlessness, insomnia, depression, confusion, irritablility, metalic taste, and tremors too. And that's only what I can remember.

Think yourself lucky you dont experience depersonalisation, now that makes you really freak ;)

02-11-10, 09:53
eggy - it all sounds like anxiety/muscle tension - its quite probable that your anxiety is causing your stomach to produce too much acid - i have an endoscopy next week and have all the symptoms you are describing x

Fly away Katie
05-11-10, 20:57
Muscular definatley!!! x x x

06-11-10, 03:36
I get the same thing.

09-11-10, 10:27

I have been diagnosed with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (and T-4) http://www.tos-syndrome.com/old1/newpage12.htm

From what you have said here; i think it might be worthwhile looking at that link. I am currently receiving physio for it and it has definitely helped.