View Full Version : first good day

01-11-10, 22:32
After 8 weeks of hell,,got my first good day today,,did my breathing when was not too good,,but my first day of no dread or painc. I know I could fall to bits tomorrow, but today gives me hope. Im now sleeping at night with a light on,,I need it on. Husband is understaning,,but why do I need this light on,,till say 3am,,then I turn it off,,and sleep fine,,its still dark at 3am,,is this normal:winks:. I hope tomorrow im fine as these panic attacks are draining,,makes me fell ill and tired,,want to be normal again,,hope everyone has a good day tomorrow xx

paula lynne
01-11-10, 22:36
Well done Susan, you had a good day. A great positive! Worry about tomorrow when it comes. I have the light on in the landing, always have done, normal me thinks! x
I know youre tired and feel ill, but dont give up, so many people make it through, tell yourself...youre one of them x

01-11-10, 22:58
Thank you,,tomorrow is a new day,,it does scare me,,was kinda normal today,,want it again,,,just to cope would be nice,,,I want to beet this and I will,,no idea how but I will,,,thanks for you reply xx

01-11-10, 23:01
Don't try to figure out your need of a light of to fall asleep. Just go with it. :-)
It is simply a sensation of comfort from the dark to lull you to sleep. When you wake at 3am, your body is relaxed and you just don't need it then.
Hat's off to our understanding husbands. :-) I have one too. :-)

01-11-10, 23:02
Hi Susan, good to hear you have had a positive day and you are starting to feel better. are you on meds? if so how long have you been on them? im new to the meds only been taking them about 4 days and not feeling any better, i know it can from a month-2months onwards but i was just wondering what your situation was? hope you dont mind me asking..rach xx

02-11-10, 22:03
Thanks for the replys,,Today was still a good day,,morning was feeling sick,,a bit of panic,,but nothing bad. Better afternoon and evening :yesyes:

Been on the meds for 3 weeks,,gone upto 3 tablets a day. Had this painic for 9 weeks now.

Husband is very understanding :hugs:.

Hope all have a good day tomorrow,,Hope I do too:D

margaret jones
02-11-10, 22:11
Susan Hi so pleased you have had a good day try not to worry about the light thing Lucky you having a understanding Hubby It will make such a difference to you getting well sooner hope you continue to improve xxx

02-11-10, 22:38
Thank Margaret.

I fell on edge all the time,,legs moving/twitching,,cant stop it,,but doing well sofar :hugs:,,such a nice forum,,glad I found it and joined :D

03-11-10, 22:53
Not a good day today,,,house got cleaned though,,my way of coping,,im shattered,,sick agin:mad:,,hate being sick,,by son said,,mum you have been sick for ages,,told him it was a nasty bug :yesyes:

Why cant I just be normal again,,I cant relax at all,,Nov 5th soon and my wee dog has to be sedated as he scared to bits of firework,,Im in bits incase he dies,,if he dies,,I want to be with him,,I realy cant say how I fell here. Please god,,let him be okay,,,Tomorrow a new day,,hate to wake at night in fear,got to get up no matter what time,,why do I wake up in a panic,,good days were great,,why
have these bad days.