View Full Version : Life in my shoes.

02-11-10, 06:48
Well I'm going to try my best to describe what it's like inside my head.

The first and the worst is the "Dizziness" if that's what you can call it, It's not a normal dizzy feeling it's sort of a distant/spaced out/buzzing strange feeling that seems to be much better when I'm laying down, If I'm standing or walking around and especially when I'm concentrating on it, it's actually like I'm looking through someone else's eyes or watching through a tv.

It's very hard to explain but it's scary, i feel I'm not in control of myself or I'm going mad... like for instance, Yesterday i was sat on the sofa had the tv on had my laptop on my lap and it was my and my brother in the living room no stress just chilling out. Then out of the blue this "Dizzy" feeling came over me like a dark cloud, It was as if someone actually just took over me... The whole room was moving in whatever anyone was saying i was hearing it, but not listening if that makes sense.

Then while i was in this episode i tried standing up and going to the toilet and at this point it was worse i was finding it hard to breathe i was very weak heart was pounding it was nearly extending to a panic attack but luckily didn't.

Has anyone else tried to read something or concentrate with this "Dizziness" it's impossible i swear i read the same lines 2/3 times over.

Right now it's 6:43am and i still can't sleep, it's insane i just want a normal life is that too much to ask why do i.... sorry why do we have to suffer from something that's so invisible to the outside world, It's all brilliant everyone saying "i understand how you feel" but how can they understand something i don't even understand myself.

I'm walking though a very long tunnel at the moment and i can't find the exit :weep:

02-11-10, 08:46
Hi there

Sorry you're feeling so rough at the moment. What you are describing is what many of us here suffer from - or have suffered from in the past. It's the physical effects of an overload of adrenaline in your system, as unfortunately our bodies haven't figured out modern life and still provide us with the hormone rush to run away from sabre-toothed tigers :). Needless to say, these days it's not a very useful reaction, and it tends to make us feel as you're feeling now.

Have you been suffering from anxiety for long? Did anything specific set it off? Also, are you getting any treatment from your GP? There are various things you can do for yourself to help relieve the symptoms, but you'll need to do these on a trial and error basis, as what works for one person might not work for another. First of all, have a browse through the articles on here, as there is some really useful stuff.

I suppose the most useful thing I can say at the moment though, is that it *does* go away, but it might take a while.