View Full Version : Frightened and feeling so alone

02-11-10, 07:21
I am in such a state ... I have my routine mammogram tomorrow. Ever since I got the letter I have been in a terrible anxiety state. I can't sleep, I feel sick, I can't eat, I am crying all the time and having panic attack and after panic attack. I should be going to work today but I just can't face it. I know all the answers in my head, but my mind just won't listen to reason. I am having cbt but had only had 2 sessions when the letter arrived. My husband is getting so frustrated with me ... he just can't understand why I am in such a state. I feel so alone with this and so frightened. Why can't I just accept things? Other people just seem to be able to get on with things and they certainly don't get into the state I do. I hate being like this and I know I am the only one that can change it, but I don't seem to have any resources left. I am totally overwhelmed and exhausted.

02-11-10, 08:51
Hi There
I get the same as you when I have got to go to the hospital for any tests I get myself into a right state
You will be fine just keep doing some deep breathing and it should help to calm you down.


02-11-10, 08:56
Hi Jilly
I am exactly the same as you - I can't even bring myself to register with a GP. We are so silly I know.
I did have a mammogram about four years ago (one of the few tests I've actually ever had) and I must admit the test itself was fine.
Best thing to do today is try and relax, deep breathing is the best - hard I know - but you are not alone, we are all here. xx

02-11-10, 09:13
Thanks for your support ... I just couldn't face work today. I know I should have gone but I am just so worn down with anxiety. x

02-11-10, 09:15
I know hun, it's very tiring isn't it, try and relax - watch a bit of telly or do the ironing! - I'll check in with you later xx

02-11-10, 20:38
Hi Jillybean - How are you doing?

Just think, this time tomorrow, it'll all be done.

Do let me know how you get on and remember that deep breathing, it really helps.


03-11-10, 10:33
Everyone had great advice. The breathing really does help.

I commend you for doing this - I haven't been able to bring myself to do this yet:lac: and it's embarrassing. I am so afraid of what the results might bring.

03-11-10, 20:00
Hi, I feel exactly the same & i think most of us do, so dont be too hard on yourself. hope you are feeling a little better & good luck :hugs:

paula lynne
03-11-10, 20:02
Will be thinking of you tomorrow Jilly, all the best...let us know how you get on x