View Full Version : 1st tim eon a train in 10 years

02-11-10, 08:52
im going to winchester tomoro ( wed the 3rd) and its gonna be a 4 hour ride with my 3 yr old i havnt been on any sort f public tranport in 10 yrs im petrafide

im shacking and panicking just at the thort of it how am i gonna cope when it actualy happens my docotor wont give me any anything to help wiht my nerves and i have a hard time coping withmy daughter never mind being cooped up ona trin with her for 4 hours onmy own
im think of not actually going

but i really need to get away i am looking ofward to seeing my family i hvant seen them since i was 16 and they dont know anything about my mental health issues i spent 3 nigts in hos and got out eturday and dont no if i should tell them cos i dont hink they owuld underdtand

what do i do ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

hopers xxxxx

02-11-10, 11:11
hi hopers...
i think the break will do you good...some time away from everything.
maybe decide if you are going to tell them once you are there , see how you feel.
as for the train journey, take planty to keep you and littlen occupied, and some mobile numbers so you can text people for support.
you will do just fine hun.
i know the anticipation can be horrid.
will be thinking of you.

02-11-10, 11:19
Hi Hopers

I just wanted to wish you all the best for tomorrow. It might help to take some things to keep your little one occupied on the journey, like a kids magazine, colouring in book and pencils. I know from being on the train, when I go down to see my parents with young kids myself, that having these things helps me. Oh, and I'd take bits and pieces of food along too - maybe some fruit, crisps, sandwiches and a carton of juice. That way you can take what your daughter enjoys and if she's not hungry, she may settle better.

For yourself, take a nice magazine and buy yourself a tea or coffee when you're on the train.Maybe a nice bar of chocolate too. Also, I always make it my point to find out where the loo is, so my daughter can go when she needs to. 4 hours seems like a long journey but if you can try and relax a lttle bit, enjoy the scenery as the train passes through the countryside, it will soon fly by.

Good luck and take care. xxx

02-11-10, 12:09

The way i tackled it was by taking my ipod/mp3, a crossword, and a bottle of water. Take plenty for the little one to do, sometimes i have found it easier when trying to entertain the kiddies as it is a distraction too as you're too busy trying to see to them.

I also try and sit near to someone elderly as i find they are a fabulous comfort and no doubt will help you out if you needed them to.

I have done it a few times now, just remember the thought of doing this journey will be far worse than actually doing it.

It will be so nice for you to go and spend time with your family.

di xx

02-11-10, 12:47
Good luck. The thought is always worse than the actual event.

I took my daughter on the eurostar a few months ago. was absolutely dreading it. Once i got on the train i was absolutely fine, honestly!

mandie xx

02-11-10, 21:31
thanks for everyone advice iv packed a load of toys a coulring for melie adni have my ipod full of music ad games im still really nervus about it but im going striagh form the stathion to the metal health team down there for assment to ake sure im stabel given whativ done so very nervus bu ti hop eit will all turmout ok

panik is setting in buti have baught some diaz forma friend to use so hope that helps


02-11-10, 21:42
I have nothing to add as everyone elses advice is great and I totally agree with taking plenty to keep your little one occupied you will be fine hunni just wanted to wish you look and send :hugs:

paula lynne
02-11-10, 21:43
All the best on the train, hope it all goes well. Youve done lots to prepare, so youve done your best on that front. If you are going to take a diazepam, take it an hour before you go. Im sure it wont be as bad as you think. Good luck with your assessment too x

02-11-10, 22:15
Hi Hopers,

Best of luck for tomorrow. Everyone has given loads of good tips for the journey, and with little-un for distraction too, I’m sure you’ll be there before you know it. Just keep your mind focused on something nice that will happen AFTER you get there :)

Sorry to hear you’ve been in hospital. I replied to one of your other threads, but didn’t get chance to reply to your reply. Please take care :hugs:

About telling your family about some of what’s been happening – as somebody else suggested, take things a step at a time and see how it feels. Some people find it easier to write about difficult emotional issues than talk about them – hence the thousands of posts on here. Over half a million, in fact :ohmy:

So perhaps it might help to write or print something out to take with you. That doesn’t mean you have to hand it to anyone, but at least you have it with you if you feel you’d like to.

I’ll be thinking of you tomorrow and wishing you loads of luck for a swift journey :yesyes:

Take care :)

02-11-10, 22:21

Buying medication that has not been prescribed to you by your GP is not the way to go at all. It's not only illegal but could be dangerous if not discussed with your doctor before hand. If you have to rely on medication bought and not prescribed then i wouldn't even consider the journey.

Sorry if that is harsh but if you 'can't' do this without illegal medication then it's not worth doing.


02-11-10, 22:26
I have to agree with lisa.

Did your doc say why they wouldn't prescribe anything to you hun?

You are strong enough to do this journey without self medicating, this is an open forum and any doc reading this would probably have a hissy fit.

You can do this journey with your own strength, and we will help you in any way we can.

di x

paula lynne
02-11-10, 22:27
oh my..must have missed that youd bought them...BB is right...dont risk it! Sorry love, but its dangerous. You should never take any medication prescribed to someone else. BB has said it all really x

03-11-10, 08:33
sorry i didnt mean to anoy any one i wont take them with me as for the doctor he wont help me any more because i refused hipnotisum i am changing docs when i get bk beacuse of this thanks for everyones suport an dill see you when i get bk


03-11-10, 08:40
good for you for going sounds like you need a break. You never know if you tellyour family you then may get more support from them.

Have u tried using rescus remedy to help if the GP wont give you anything. all the best with the trip and just thinks youll be so proud of youself if you do manage to go..

Dont stop there once youve done keep it up if you can even if it just short journeys will boost your confidence loads tc

03-11-10, 08:46
hey hopers, good luck for today, great advice from everyone :D
i find public transport a hard one too, but trains are are the least stressful for me! if i feel myself starting to panic, i just listen to the sound of the train, it might sound odd but the more i listen to it the more it seems to relax me :blush:
maybe your little one might fall asleep a while as she is still young?
hope you have a lovely time with your family x take care x :hugs:

03-11-10, 14:59
Hi Hopers,

Hope it’s going well :yesyes:

...if i feel myself starting to panic, i just listen to the sound of the train, it might sound odd but the more i listen to it the more it seems to relax me

I think that’s a really good tip.

Haven’t been on a train for ages, but now you’ve made me remember when I was little. I was always fascinated by the sound – perhaps because I always loved sounds and music. All the different rhythms the wheels on the tracks make. You can really get into it, and even make up little tunes to it.

Perhaps I’m odd too... :blush:

Take care :)

05-11-10, 23:09
i made it first time i mangae to make to make it online was really hard swithing seats and what not not i didnt take nay of the diax withme just relide onmy promazine wich mademe vert sleepy im struggling down here havin gnightmares and so forth but i hope things wilinprove with time iv seen the mht a few times wile here and they have been really suportive thanks for eveyone suoptrt

much love always


i acnt get on caht beacuse they dont have java but i will see you whrn i get bk will update wheni can have missed you asll so very much thik of you an dhope yr thinking off me xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

05-11-10, 23:35
well done hun :hugs:

paula lynne
05-11-10, 23:35
Well done hopers, we await your update xx

07-11-10, 14:28
Manage to get net on my iPod but won't be able to get in chat and as you can see my spelling is better that's the auto thing on my iPod LOL

I was felling very irratable last night and very tiers and stressed to day just relised the cemist mesed up my mess and have shorted my anti phycotics so the mht are getting me some tomoro

I'm not sleeping to well and the thort of travling jk on we'd is setting of my nervus a little and my bodies have been playing up a little but I think that's lack off sleep and the pressure of being somehere new having you lot is really hellping xxxxxxxxx talk Avon soon xxx

paula lynne
07-11-10, 15:07
all thought with you hopers at this time, keep going you are doing better than you give yourself credit for x

07-11-10, 22:51
Having a hard night feeling spaecaly awear which I'm finding difficult to cope with not to mention the panic attacks I keep having had to go to the shop in the pich black down a country road so phoned suebee thhere and ran home well to my aunts home have to go in to winchester center tomoro and occupie amelia for an hour and half have no clue how I'm going to cope so menu people an no place to go to feel safe i'm sat wide awake just thinking of the horrer that might unfold
I think also I havnt had 1 minute to my self and it's affecting me and how I'm feeling you know when you just need ten menutes to yr self and I just don't get that here I have to go to bed with melir cos they have all these delicat flower orniments and I don't want her messing with them that adds to the stress of constant worry of waching her every second

Sorry to mone on
