View Full Version : Worst panic attack!

13-03-06, 22:37
I was out all day yesterday & already tired as no sleep the night before, didnt get back until about 1am so really needed a good night sleep.
All day id been having my daily dose of headache, went to bed as soon as i got in & couldnt relax with thinkin about my headache.
Started to get worse and felt as though i was losing my memory or something so i started to panic more & more. Then my chest went tight so i got out of bed & put the light on.
It felt like my heart was about to pop out and i could hardly breath so started breathing really heavily and fast. Had all shooting pains in my chest so of course by now it had changed from thinking of having a brain tumour to a heart attack.
Tried to calm myself down but i couldnt stop shaking, my legs and hands were non stop! My pupils looked huge and when i looked at myself in the mirror it was like it wasnt me :o( I was so scared, even had my phone ready to call 999! It just felt like pure fear going through me... I dread going to sleep. Im tired now but darnt go cos i know how bad i get when its all quiet cos i just think about stuff


13-03-06, 22:54
hi rachel

sorry your not feeling to good i dont get th painc att in my head i get other thing bad head tingles and depersonlization but i no what your going thro it not nice and there are plent of people on here that get the same pains as you. your not alone hun.

i hope you feel better

amanda xx

13-03-06, 23:21
Hi Rachel,

Sorry to hear you had a bad attack, do you have any relaxation cd's these really help when you need to relax but can't.

Try not to think that because you had a bad night last night, that you will have another one tonight hun, it doesn't happen like that.

Hopefully tonight will be better for you.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

13-03-06, 23:32
Hi Rachel

So sorry to hear how bad it got and i do appreciate how awful it gets.

The mind goes out of control and we fixate on anything that we know is detrimental to us and however we try to see the positive we cant.

Thinking of you and trust me it does get easier hun.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

"Life is a distance and to travel that distance you were given the strength and guidance to do so".

14-03-06, 14:36

First Steps: First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


Links post: Links to posts about Common Problems (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=7784)


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

14-03-06, 14:57
Hi Rachel,

I have really bad ones too, been to hospital twice because i thought i was having a heart attack. I find that reading hlps me to relax, i'm trying to give up smoking at the moment so that's not helping with my attacks. but trying to keep calm and just by telling yourself that it's just a silly panic attack seems to help. we'll all get there in the end.


14-03-06, 15:06
hello ther,i amso sorry you had a bad panic attack,they are so scsrey and at night it seems worse.try not to dwell on it too much[easier said than done i know]i have sat up lie you too scared to go to bed.i've found this forum really helps,that and lavender oil!Put drops of the oil into a warm bath[if u like a bath]or/and onto your beding or nightie and just breathe in deeply and slowly ,imgineyourself in a beautiful place,donr look for the fear.just be in your chosen lovely place,next thing you know it is morning!check all the emady forums oo 4 other tips.To slow youe heat down,cool down!Put youe hands and arms in cold water 4 ten second bursts,as cold as you can stand it,i does slow it down i've tried it!hope you have a good night's sleep oh and yep,relaxation tapes are fab,paul mkenna's is good the one 4 stress and anxiety.love mary-rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

Ma Larkin
14-03-06, 15:46
Hi Rachel, I'm going to the doctors tonight. I've had 2 nights with no sleep & can't cope any more. It gets worse when I go to bed, I find myself leaping out of bed with the heart attack feeling. All I took last night was Kalms & my Rescue Remedy. I've felt OK today, which is usually the case when I go to the doctors lol!! I can guarantee that when I go to bed tonight the fear will be there again & the heart attack symptoms start. I do try to think of positive thoughts, but the pains seem so real its hard to believe that they are just anxiety & panic. Obviously, they are though or I wouldn't be here after 12 months of this. Don't you find that some times are worse than others for no reason. I don't have anything to feel anxious about. I just can't get my head around this, but I am coping as best I can & hope you do too.

Les, x

14-03-06, 17:57
Thanks for all your replies everyone they really help!
Last night wasnt too bed, i ended up going straight to bed after catching up on here and went to bed in my big fluffy dressing gown which i think helped! Woke up this morning feeling like id actually had some sleep but still abit tense but i feel this most days.
It was really bad the other night though, id been anxious all day and i think that just topped it all off.. :o( ! Oh well, thanks for all your support though- i really appreciate it! & hope everyones feeling ok?!
Luv lots x
