View Full Version : also new

02-11-10, 11:17
Hi- have just joined- have many years of anxiety/panic, very variable but bad at present. I am holding down a good job but feel rather fragile just now. Lots of changes going on in my life and the main issue for me at the moment is fear of illness/agoraphobia. It really helps to see that others feel as I do and I hope I can help someone else too.

02-11-10, 11:18
Hi catcat

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

paula lynne
02-11-10, 11:18
Hi and welcome aboard, its a great site, full of support and advice, and youll make some nice friends along the way x

carla g
02-11-10, 11:20
hi cat do you not take any meds for your anxiety? i am new to haveing this and would love to see how people have coped over the years with this x

02-11-10, 11:29
yes, am on fluoxetine (prozac) which i think has helped, but is not of course 'the answer'. have also had various bouts of therapy, acupuncture, CBT etc. some of which have helped- I am generally better now than in the past. I am convinced the tendency to anxiety runs in families and is partly genetic- my father, sister, and son also suffer to some extent and general anxiety seems in our family to be linked to needle-blood phobia/faintness (in my son's case, apparent from a very early age so not a surprise when he developed anxiety later).

thanks everyone for good wishes.

I am interested to hear other people's experiences of cutting out caffeine- i drink too much coffee and have found it very hard to give up.

carla g
02-11-10, 11:41
have you ever tryd any anti ds? i am on them at the mo but im not sure if i am goin down the ryt route with these? x

02-11-10, 11:53
Well only the prozac- I think they have a place as part of therapy but would encourage anyone to get good cognitive therapy if possible, as well. For me the combination has been the most beneficial (but given that I am back again quite anxious, evidently not a cure!). I would say that over the years while the anxiety has never gone away there have been long good periods and i have learnt to appreciate them.

Incidentally I have come to the conclusion that it is impossible as well as pointless to try to distinguish between 'psychological' and 'physical' with anxiety.

carla g
02-11-10, 11:57
i am goin to try as mutch as i can i am takein on board anything eny1 says has helpd for them and im goin to give it a good go hopefully i will get threw this x

02-11-10, 13:07
Huge welcome to NMP, you'll find you'll get lots of advice if needed, there always seems to be someone there when you need them on this site:)

02-11-10, 13:39
Hi catcat :welcome: I'm similar to you - I take Prozac as well and have have had some benefit from self-hypnosis, CBT, seeing psychiatrists ... I function quite well most of the time but still struggle with things at times. I think NMP is great :yesyes: