View Full Version : Ear infection or congestion?

02-11-10, 12:35
Feeling a tad low today, not sure where it's come from really but anxiety has hit abit.

I had a bad tension headache all night Saturday night adn got no sleep, so think the lack of sleep has hit me today.

Today I noticed I was having stabbing/pressure type pain in my left temple area of my head, a feeling of pressure behind left ear and tinitus on and off in that ear too. I got myself in a tizz worrying i had an ear infection, ive not had one before, hubby does and he said to me if it were then I'd know about it as they really hurt in the ear, which I don't have. I do get pressure now and again like this as my sinus's can play me up but ive not had a cold or anything recently. I thought i was getting a cold a couple of weeks ago but nothing came of it.

I am using a steroid nasal spray daily anyway, but im abit worried what this is and should I go to my GP? Hubby says no point really as I have no fever, no actual ear ache so they will just say it's congestion or something. Do you think he 's right and I am just worrying because I know someone who got meningitis from an ear infection?:blush:

I have been at the GP so much lately with bad IBS, bad acne and then pelvic pain that needed a scan. Arghhhhh! I am trying not to need another visit, lol!

02-11-10, 12:44
The trouble is if the inner ear is affected then the Dr won't be able to see it. You have to go to see someone in ENT who has the equipment to be able to see into the inner ear. Ear infections usually produce a lot of wax or other nasty stuff coming out of the ear as well.

I would hazard to guess at the sinus issue. I suffer with my sinus and have had headaches there before when I've had congestion and also pain in my ear.

02-11-10, 12:53
I have seen ENT in the past and told it's not my ears, just my sinuses get inflammed but not enough to warrant an operation.

I can breath freely, I am not bunged up at all. My balance is fine so don't think it's inner ear as I know that can make you off balance and sick.

Maybe it is just congestion. I have also been very tense in the last few days so been holding my muscles in jaw/face etc... very tight.

02-11-10, 12:58
Me too, can sympathise on that one. If your balance is ok then I doubt it is your ears. But my balance can be off when my sinus are bad sometimes.

02-11-10, 13:11
I am very tense so maybe it's just a combination of that and sinus. I am also due my period today (have a fear of bleeding to death) so I always worry leading up to that.