View Full Version : Jaw clenching

02-11-10, 13:41
I am finding more and more that I am doing this in the day as well as waking up clenching my jaw. I don't grind my teeth, just clench my jaw shut.

Does anyone have a comprehensive guide on the kind of problems this can cause - ie side effects. And also does anyone have any solutions? I go to sleep ok but wake up with it firmly shut!

02-11-10, 14:03
I do this during the day and at night, it comes and goes. I've found that it can give me headaches at times and also hurt the muscles in my neck. I was told by someone a while ago to try falling asleep with my jaw relaxed open. I'm still not sure if that works, but I do certainly get a dry mouth! For during the day, my CBT therapist told me to put little stickers on objects around the house, like clocks, to remind myself to unclench - it's working.

02-11-10, 14:06
There are many things attributed to clenching your jaw as it can cause problems with TMJ - I have listed the possible symptoms on the below thread if you want to have a look. I clench my jaw all the time and suffer terribly with headaches, neckache and fuzzy eyes...have no idea how to stop doing it though!


02-11-10, 14:56
Crikey, I can relate to most of those Mondie!

Mumble - your CBT therapist sounds really good :) It's ok during the day isn't it because you can keep asking yourself if you're clenching and therefore stop it but how you do that when you're asleep lord only knows.

Plus I read something that said clenching can be a sign of a sleep disorder so now I've got myself worried!!

I have suddenly realised this is probably when has caused my front teeth to be jagged on the edges. I wonder if it can wear away enamel as well as the dentist said that my front teeth were badly affected by loss of enamel. However strangely she did not mention clenching and I thought dentists were supposed to spot it!

02-11-10, 16:31
If you mention it to your dentist again, perhaps discuss a mouth guard of some description. I developed TMJ from it, which flares up sporadically, then just goes away again and I can never figure out a cause/pattern... has a mind of its own!