View Full Version : Throwing up blood

02-11-10, 15:05
Hi all,

Here's my thing. After a heavy weekend of drinking, the following day I had a couple of hair of the dogs then ordered a take-away curry. I ate the food and feel a sleep soon after for a few hours. When I woke I went to bed but felt really uncomfortable with the curry sitting in my stomach. So I went to the toilet and forced my self to be sick, gagging quite a few times, then large amounts of food started coming up, then about a hand full of red fresh looking blood came up. I have no abdominal pain or burning etc. Do you think this could have been a result of something tearing in my stomach or throat, or could it be a bleeding ulser? I was worrried so the next day I drank just water and forced myself to be sick and only water came out. My stools are not black or tar like.

Please let me know if this has ever happened to anyone and what it might be.

02-11-10, 15:10
Hi there

Not sure how old you are, but often throwing up small amounts of blood can be related to forcing yourself to be sick, as you might have irritated your throat or stomach. It's proably best to go and have a chat with your GP about it though, just to be on the safe side.

02-11-10, 15:28
Im 31. I went to the GP this morning. I said I feel nauseas every morning when I wake up. And made myself sick with water again. She said it could be a virus or mild food poisoning.

She didnt seem to be too interested and did offer any test. All she did was press my stomach a bit.

02-11-10, 16:14
was it def blood or could have been part of the curry? i only ask because i once threw up and thought there was blood in it until i remembered i had eaten a red ice pop!

do not make yourself sick!!! if you need to be sick - your body will do it naturally. you could do yourself some damage otherwise.

sounds like a plain case of over indulgence to me lol and i am sure if left alone - after a few days you will be fine x

02-11-10, 16:15
I was going to ask the same as Joanna. There are a lot of food colourings and spices that are red in a curry.

02-11-10, 16:18
i bet it was chicken tandoori or chicken tikka massala?? a handful of blood seems a lot - i reckon it would be colouring too :yesyes:

02-11-10, 16:20
thanks for the replies.

it was defo blood. please also see my last answer too about this morning.

a bit worried again.

02-11-10, 16:24
youve only been sick because you made yourself, and only brought up water since it happened? im imagining the nausea each morning is through anxiety. so the blood was a one off... mild food poisoning could fit in with a dodgy curry.

02-11-10, 16:28
could i just ask do you drink a lot?

02-11-10, 16:34
yes, i have been lately.

02-11-10, 16:34
how much are you drinking, do you mind me asking. on a daily basis? did you mention this to your GP?

02-11-10, 16:37
oh, and the water i brought up this morning was pinkish in colour. I took a photo which made it look brownish when I showed her. which is why i think she may have missed something.

02-11-10, 16:40
i have just read that acid in your sick can look similar to blood. this would be pinky brown i think. do you get indigestion/heartburn etc?

02-11-10, 16:42
from time to time yes

02-11-10, 16:53
just saw your drinking post. not every day, and no I didnt mention it to the GP

02-11-10, 17:04
someone my husband works with came into the office the other day in a state because he had just thrown up blood. His Dr sent him to have some tests and he is fine the consultant said it was common for blood to be present in vomit especially if you had made yourself sick (he did too).


02-11-10, 17:42
do you maybe know how much blood did he bring up? mine seemed to be quite a bit!

02-11-10, 18:24
It is common to vomit bright red fresh blood if you have been forcefully sick.

I would take some antacids for a week or so and see if they help with the nausea.

If there was anything serious (GI wise) going on you would be vomitting repeatedly and you would definitely have black stools.

It sounds as if you know that your drinking is excessive, and only you can address that.

02-11-10, 18:27
Blood can look like a larger volume because of the liquid it's mixed with. It was probably a lot less than it looked. :)

02-11-10, 22:00
what if ive burst a vein in my throat or something similar?

02-11-10, 22:16
could this lead to an infection if i keep eating, drinking or smoking shortly after the vomiting?

02-11-10, 23:51
what if ive burst a vein in my throat or something similar?

Well you would know about it if you had! You may have burst a capillary but thats all, it will heal itself.

03-11-10, 09:05
how would i know?

03-11-10, 11:35
I don't know about the blood thing, but you should never force yourself to throw up. Even if you're nauseous. It is very unhealthy. If you 'need' to throw up, your body will do it for you. The only time you should ever force yourself to throw up is if you overdosed on medication or ate something poisonous or something like that.

03-11-10, 11:44
It sounds like you have maybe torn inside with the force of trying to make yourself vomit.
I used to try and make myself be sick a lot, because I got it into my head, I felt better with anxiety afterwards - it got rid of the anxiety nausea - :wacko: I started bringing up blood and went into hospital with it, where I was told it was due to a tear, where I had been forcing myself to be sick. Sometimes it can be serious - Mallory Weiss tear -I have not done it since. It scared me.


Could you try staying off the alcohol and spicy food for a while, just to get your stomach to settle and for any tear to heal itself? take some anti acids?
or just to put your mind at rest, visit your gp.

03-11-10, 11:56
Based on that wikipedia description that sounds exactly what she has. In case this point wasn't stressed enough, stop forcing yourself to throw up.

04-11-10, 16:28
I'm not sure how much blood he threw up but it must have been quite a bit as he got himself in quite a state apparantly and rushed off to the docs, he's normally quite calm from what my other half said.

Hope you are feeling a little better


04-11-10, 17:29
See a doctor thats your best bet any throwing up of blood light or dark should be investigated by a doctor.

05-11-10, 15:26
is there anyway that I could be bleeding in my stomach and not have black stools?

05-11-10, 16:45
Hi there
2 years ago I drank too much at my birthday party, and threw up blood ( quite a lot), I was so worried that an ambulance was called, I was put on a drip and stayed in hospital for 2 days. I had that mallory weiss tear, i also had a camera down my throat that came back clear thank god.
So please dont worry, but its important to take your doctors advice and if they arent worried then neither should you be.
Take care xxxx

05-11-10, 16:50
are you still throwing up blood? or did it just happen once.

05-11-10, 17:25
I haven't been sick since tuesday. I was also worried that I could get an infection from eating or drinking or smoking?

05-11-10, 19:08
does anyone know?

05-11-10, 19:24
I doubt it very much.

Put it this way have you stopped all those 3 and got worse?

06-11-10, 01:40
what does that mean? please explain

06-11-10, 01:44
well if you have still drunk, smoke and eaten since then and you are no worse then it is unlikely that you will get an infection isn't it?

06-11-10, 01:55
i'm talking long term

06-11-10, 02:12
umm ok long term you need to stop smoking, cut the alcohol and eat healthily - then you will be fine

06-11-10, 02:23
ok, i'm sorry. so what you're saying is stop worrying about it?