View Full Version : Worrying about Lung and Bone cancer

02-11-10, 16:53
Hey everybody

I am new to this site and I must say, after reading some of the threads here my nerves has been calmed a lot and my symptoms weakened :)

My major concern is my chest. For the last year I have had a heavy feeling in the right side of my chest with occasional pain when touching it. I have been worrying a lot and have had several meetings with dr. Google (bad idea)

At first I thought I had lung cancer which I still do a bit. However, I do not cough a lot and never coughed up blood. I normally cough a bit every morning but it goes away in an hour or two and it is more a clearing of throat than a real cough. I am 23 years old and have never been a steady smoker, however, I did smoke at parties and festivals but now I have quit for good.

Over the cause of time I have been worrying about breast cancer, due to the fact that my chest area will sometimes blush red. Throat cancer because my neck was hard and I had difficulties swallowing and now bone cancer.

I am really worried that I have bone cancer and has been at 4 different doctors. The feelings I had/have is heaviness in chest, pain in my sternum and clavicle when pressing on it and a sharp pain in my chest/sternum when I get up in the mornings. The doctors listened to my chest and said my lungs are clean and that my chest/sternum issue was/is muscular. I really want to believe the doctors and parts of me do, however, I have felt very depressed and lonely because I did not get any proper tests to give me peace at mind.

Today I called my doctor for the third time in 3 weeks to get an x-ray which I will have tomorrow. However, I am rather nervous about having the x-ray and the results, it feels like judgement day or something.

Anyway, I just really felt the need to share this with you
I am so glad that this forum exist and we can share our worries

Hugs to all of you

02-11-10, 17:06
Good luck with the x-ray tommorow...I'm sure that all will be well.

Have to say that what you are describing sounds like costochondritis (I'm sure you have come across that in your Google journey) which whilst annoying and painful is a harmless muscular condition and from my own experience I know how horrible it is...I still suffer from it to this day.

The other stuff you describe such as the globus symptoms and blushing skin are also very common anxiety presentations. I'm sure your results will show that nothing serious is amiss and then you get down to tackling the anxiety.

02-11-10, 17:10

Thank you for your quick reply.
Yeah I have stumbled upon that disease, however, I have quickly forgotten it and focused on the more deadly illnesses :wacko:

02-11-10, 18:47

Thank you for your quick reply.
Yeah I have stumbled upon that disease, however, I have quickly forgotten it and focused on the more deadly illnesses :wacko:

Of course, going to the worse case scenario is a prerequisite of health anxiety.

TBH, it isn't really a disease but rather a condition that is likely to be linked to chronic tension and also overbreathing/hyperventilation which is also very common amongst anxiety sufferers.

paula lynne
02-11-10, 19:09
Welcome, all the best tomorrow x

03-11-10, 09:19

so, I went to the x-ray today and just returned but I didnt manage to get the x-ray taken. Due to my handicap, I am in a wheelchair and was therefore unable to be transfered to the "bed" one has to lie on when having x-rays taken.
This annoys me quite a bit since I called them yesterday to make sure I could have the procedure done in my wheelchair. :weep:

Another symptom I have is that I often get very warm. I had a friend feel me on the cheek and he said it was warm. I take my temperature often but I get very confused about it. When I measure it rectally my temp is around 37.3-37.7, however, when I measure it orally it is 37.9. This confuses me as I was told that oral temperatures are often low and one should add 0.5 degrees celtius in order to get the correct temperature. This leaves me with a temperature around 38.5, however, I was also told that measuring your temperature rectally is the most precise.

Once again, thank you guys for being around on this forum. It is a tremendous help:)

03-11-10, 16:38
Hey everybody

I'm sorry to pester this forum with all my questions but I would love to know if any of you have had problems with fever or feeling warm.
I'm really nervous:weep:

03-11-10, 16:59
I get costochondritis and it can be quite sore at times, if you have a poke around you can often find the inflamed area where the rib meets the sternum there is a soft cartilage connector and this gets inflamed. Why do we never trust doctors? They rarely let us down do they, I guess that’s the curse of HA.
I certainly think it’s unacceptable for them not to do your x-ray, I would have told them it had to be done and not moved till they did it – its often the only way to get things moving – kick up a stink.

We often feel hot when we are not especially if we are under the weather. Like when we have a cold we always feel hot yet if we take out temperature it’s always normal.
I’m sure you will be fine. If it helps you can have a big :hugs: from me.

PS I hope you wiped the thermometer before using it orally:D

03-11-10, 17:22
:D lol Groundhog

note to self, wipe thermometer next time, that would explain the odd taste I thought was tongue cancer:yesyes:, however, in all seriousness I have two seperate thermometers. Thank you for the reply I know I should have insisted on the X-ray but I booked a new time on monday instead.

The thing I was curious about regarding my temperature was the fact that my temp is higher when I measure orally. I've been told that it is normally lower than when measuring rectally which should be the most precise:huh:

Have a good one, and :hugs: to you as well
