View Full Version : Panicking already :/

02-11-10, 17:57
Hey guys,
I've just had almost two weeks off college for half-term and it's the first day back tomorrow. I'm panicking so much already :weep:
I don't even know why though. I'm getting better and I feel so much happier. I've only missed a handful of days over the last six weeks through anxiety and health issues compared to the two half days a week I was attending for the last 5 weeks of my first year.
Yet every night before college I get so scared, I can't sleep or eat and my stomach feels like a washing machine. Every morning before college is the same too. Once I'm about halfway through the journey to college I calm down.
I just wish I knew how to stop myself getting so worked up before I go to college :(
So if anyone has any tips on how to stop myself pulling my hair out they'd be very much appreciated :yesyes: