View Full Version : My period phobia...

02-11-10, 19:27
I had an op 11 months ago to remove a pregnancy that hadn't developed and since then I've had a phobia of my periods, they were quite heavy afterwards to start with, hence the phobia.

I am working hard at the phobia and feel alot better than I used to about it. My phobia is that I will haemorrage, because I have 'gushes' when I stand up, and when I go to the loo I see the thick blood stringing out of me slowly (too much info, sorry).

I spoke to a friend of mine and she said not to panic at all as it's not actually a proper bleed, it's not like it's a cut or trauma. She said all that comes away is the lining of the womb, so it isn't actually a bleed. Is that right? I think if I can convince myself of that i can relax and stop this irrational fear of bleeding to death every month, which is a horrible and a very inconvinient fear to have being a woman:D

02-11-10, 21:03
HOpe this helps - was told a couple of years ago when I was having terrible perimeno symptoms of flooding for days at a time that if you soak a night time pad every half hour for a day then you need to get medical attention. I remember that gushing feeling so well it is truly horrible and do you pass big clots as well:blush: thats worse feeling in world.

If you want you can measure your blood loss following way - weigh your sanitary towel before you use it in g and then afterwards in g very approx 70g equals 80ml of blood loss so if you go above this and are still bleeding heavily again seek medical advice.

I had same fears as you and my Gp said she had never had anyone in all her career lose enough blood with periods to become dangerously ill like in collapse.

02-11-10, 22:29
Sorry to hear Larna that you are suffering like this. My periods used to be very heavy in the way you describe. I also used to pass clots like this. I used to have very severe pain. My suggestion is that you go to bed ( you wont feel like going out if you feel like this) Take your pain killers and a warm hot water bottle wrapped in a towel . I also used to strap myself to my T.E.N.S. The really heavy bleeding should subside after a day or so. I wasn't in any danger of falling over if I was lying down. There are some drugs which a GP can prescribe for the pain and heavy bleeding which will dry up the flow. It might be worth asking your GP about these. Hope you feel better soon . EJ.

02-11-10, 22:29

Yes I was told that about soaking thick pads.

I guess I was just wondering if it is actual blood we lose as in a 'proper bleed' or as I was told that it's just the lining we shed.

02-11-10, 22:32
Thanks EJ.

I am just trying to get into my head that it's nothing to be afraid of as it's nit a 'proper bleed' as such, it's just the lining we shed.

I have 3 children so resting isn't easy, I have the school run to do etc.... All I feel like doing is resting up though:(

Sorry to hear Larna that you are suffering like this. My periods used to be very heavy in the way you describe. I also used to pass clots like this. I used to have very severe pain. My suggestion is that you go to bed ( you wont feel like going out if you feel like this) Take your pain killers and a warm hot water bottle wrapped in a towel . I also used to strap myself to my T.E.N.S. The really heavy bleeding should subside after a day or so. I wasn't in any danger of falling over if I was lying down. There are some drugs which a GP can prescribe for the pain and heavy bleeding which will dry up the flow. It might be worth asking your GP about these. Hope you feel better soon . EJ.

02-11-10, 22:33
It is real blood Larna. It is the womb lining the endometrium. It is nothing to be afraid of. If it is excessive then it really needs to be checked out by a doctor. There are a number of options available to you. Hopefully you will not need to suffer like this. EJ

02-11-10, 22:34
Yes I have had the meds after the op to reduce the flow but GP says my periods aren't that heavy really so I don't need the meds now.

02-11-10, 22:36
Still think you need to rest. A trip to the docs might be a suggestion? I suffered badly I'm afraid and they never got to the bottom of what the problem was. If you have a young family then the docs will suggest something for you.

02-11-10, 22:37
Yes I know it is blood but what i mean is its not an actual bleed as in a cut or trauma. Ive been told this by someone who works in the medical field. I was told noone haemorrages from a period as it is just the womb lining that we shed.

I was hoping that would reassure me abit that i cant bleed heavily to death.

QUOTE=ElizabethJane;735696]It is real blood Larna. It is the womb lining the endometrium. It is nothing to be afraid of. If it is excessive then it really needs to be checked out by a doctor. There are a number of options available to you. Hopefully you will not need to suffer like this. EJ[/QUOTE]

02-11-10, 22:39
I've seen the GP a few times and they've said my periods aren't very heavy, heavyish first few days but I'm told it's normal to have some gushing and pain. I also had a pelvic scan last month.

I was on the pill for a while but I've came off it 3 months ago.

02-11-10, 22:41
It is unlikely that you will haemorrhage. There would have to be a reason for that ie a miscarriage so I understand where the fear is coming from. Heavy bleeding can make you feel rotton ie tired and anaemic so it is still worth talking to the docs if this is the case. There would have to be substantial blood loss for a doctor to be worried ie a soaked mattress. Please try not to worry about it. EJ.

02-11-10, 22:48
I've had bloods done last week, all fine. My hb is really high he said:-))

03-11-10, 14:01
i know what you mean larna about is it real blood as in a cut from trauma or blood that just lines the womb that just falls away ive often wandered because if they give you meds to dry the flow up where does the blood go that is coating the lining of the womb does it just stay there or get reabsorbed its always baffled me lol

03-11-10, 15:04
It baffles me too!