View Full Version : serious sleeping problems on citropram..anyone else suffering with this??

02-11-10, 21:02
i have been taking citropram for 5 days now and ever since the first day of taking the first pill i have been having awful nights sleep! i manage to get to sleep ok then i wake up a few hours later abour 4am and just cannot get back to sleep, i seen to have tones of things going through my head when i wake up and seem to wake in a bit of a panic. last night i woke up and i was actually sweating which has never happened before and was not nice :weep:. i just lay there wide awake untill my alarm goes off then im in a terrible panic. its making my days so much worse as i am soo tired at work and just cannot function.

anyone else having any symtoms like this?? if so any suggestions or ideas would be much appreciated :) i dont know how much longer i can cope with sleeping like this :shrug:

rach xx :hugs:

02-11-10, 21:12
Hi rach,

this is a very common side effect with citalopram so please don't let it get to you too much. i know it's horrible to be missing sleep like that but it'll get better. My GP recommended going to bed and getting out of bed at a set time every day and eventually your body will get used to it (no getting out of bed even for the toilet she said!). It took a bit of time but it worked for me :)

good luck

02-11-10, 21:15
Thanks Idstain, its just driving me insane not being able to sleep properly and i just want it to start getting better and to let me sleep!!

i will try that thank you, and hopefully it will start to settle down.

thanks again xx

02-11-10, 21:16

I have been taking these tabs 3 weeks today and i have only had a few good nights sleep from it, the first few days were awful kept waking early morning, but it does get easier, just stick with it and you will be fine.... if its affecting you that much, try going the docs see if you can have a bit of time off work, until the tabs settle, worth a try xxx

02-11-10, 21:32
thanks jen, its just frustrating more then anything and waking up last night sweating did scare me a bit! have you had any other side effects at all? xx

02-11-10, 22:41

I been on citalopram 3 weeks now and iv been waking up in early hours and sweating.

Side effects of the meds and should wear off soon

mandie x

02-11-10, 22:55
does it happen to you every night mandie? its doing my head in :( xx

03-11-10, 09:34

No not every night, but i do seem to be alot hotter since i started taking them
