View Full Version : Just got told to snap out of it!!

02-11-10, 21:07
I'm really down and than someone turns round and says snap out of it u won't find a bf being like that. I'm sick of it. I've had enough I give up now x

02-11-10, 21:13
Don't give up hun. Bf? There more trouble than there worth haha you don't need one. People tell us to snap out of it because they don't understand its not that easy or we would all snap out of it and we wouldn't be how we are or feel how we do. Take no notice.x

02-11-10, 21:13
Ignore them hun! People who say things like that do so because they don't know what you're going through. My family say it all the time because they fear things they don't understand so they pretend it doesn't exist.
It's their own problem not yours.

02-11-10, 21:14
I totally agree with Sammi, they are more hassle than they're worth lol.

02-11-10, 21:17

02-11-10, 21:18
Exactly and I don't want a bf anyway. Thay just use me for money. I'm at breakdown point x

02-11-10, 21:19
h26, don't give up!!!! I'm having some things like this said to me too ... it is upsetting I know, but it is only because they don't understand our illness. Well, I don't really think they understand that it is an illness. When I had this issue today I asked my husband if he thought that if I had a switch on the side of my head that I could turn off and feel better I wouldn't do it - of course I would. I hate feeling like this. But I don't have a switch so I can't. They just don't understand the 'power' this illness has over us and that's why we come to this site, because here everyone understands! Just try and ignore it, and don't bother arguing back cos it doesn't work! You know that you are trying to get better and that's all there is to it - and you will get better - we won't always feel like this. Take care x

02-11-10, 21:20
I am not surprised that the comment has made you feel worse. As if 'snapping out of it' is that easy! I have had comments like that before and I am sure a lot of the others on the site have too. My boyfriend will sometimes say 'just relax about it all', when I am in the middle of being really anxious. If only it were that easy!!! He means well, but he just doesn't know himself how anxiety and depression can make me feel.
People who have not experienced anxiety or depression for themselves, don't realise just how awful it is. It really annoys me when people say such comments because, ok they dont have to have experienced how we feel, but they could show some amount of understanding.
Don't give up. There are lots of people on the site who will be able to understand how you are feeling and be able to offer supportive messages.
Ignore what was said to you because it won't do you any good by letting a comment make you feel even more down. Whoever said the comment doesn't obviously realise just what you are going through. Have you tried explaining to them just how you do feel?
Sending you hugs :hugs:

02-11-10, 21:21
Don't think i would be like this if it wasn't for my ex. I need to calm down x

02-11-10, 21:22
h26, have a good cry if you need to. It always makes me feel better when I'm down, it's better than bottling it up. If you think it will help write down all your feelings, just get it all out and then tear the paper up.

02-11-10, 21:28
You are goin to be fine hun. We are all here for you. People don't understand what we go through on a daily basis and just how hard it is. "Snap out of it" that is the worse thing someone could say to us. Iv had a few comments like that and there's nothing I'd love more than to be able to snap out of it.would of made this last year a lot easier on me if I could. Pm me anytime hun you know I'm always here for you:bighug1:

02-11-10, 22:13
I can't stop crying x

02-11-10, 22:29
‘Just snap out of it’... Aggg!
That’s gotta be one of the most annoying and unhelpful things a person can say.

Suppose they say it because they don’t really ‘get it’, and to them it seems so simple to do. If only...

I think it only makes a person feel worse because it sort of implies that what they’re going through is their own fault for maintaining it. Or that it should be easy to ‘snap out of’, therefore they’re in some way weak for being unable to do so. These are exactly the sorts of thoughts that have made the person feel depressed in the first place, so it’s very unhelpful when other people pile on even more.

Try to ignore it Hayley. I replied to one of your other threads (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?p=729831#post729831). Dunno if you got to read it because I was a bit late replying. Did you read the story?

Take care :)

03-11-10, 11:34
im just feeling totally gutted today and very lonely :( x

03-11-10, 12:05
That really annoys me when me say snap out of it! If we could we would. None of us want to be like this.

Please dont give up. There are lots of us on here feeling the same so stay posting and we can all help each other


mandie x

03-11-10, 14:07
It hurts when people spout stupid phrases. I had one recently from a friend saying I should just "face the fear". As much as this is good advice, it doesn't stop it from hurting when someone says it to you.
Try not to take it to heart. They think they're being helpful.

03-11-10, 18:46
I snapped someone's head off the last time I heard that one... Then they wonder why we keep things to ourselves sometimes pffft.

It's harder when someone close to us says something like that - but then if they're that close it makes me wonder how they can be so insensitive. I think it's a case of trying to do the right thing but in the wrong way I'm afraid.

03-11-10, 18:49
How dare they??? I always think to myself when someone says that "give them a dose of it and see how they like it"!!! Some people are so damm well insensitive and really dont have a clue!! If they say that to you then I say they are not worth bothering about...as they cant be true friends!!!


03-11-10, 19:17
I would love someone to invent a "spend a day in my life" machine, and then when they've experienced it, see if they still stand by their original comments. I don't think people realise just how hard it is! If it was easy, we wouldn't be ill lol.
I've been told "just smile" before, after that I spent an hour in a cupboard at work crying because I was so upset.

03-11-10, 19:40
I had a dentist that lost it at me one day and told me that if I didn't snap out of it and stop being stupid he would need to stop treating me!!!! Needless to say I didn't want him to treat me anymore. But it took me 8yrs to pluck up the courage to find a new one and go back.

Just ignore them it is nothing more than ignorance. Try not to take it to heart which I know is difficult but they really don't understand.

Carol xx