View Full Version : I'm new here!

02-11-10, 21:20
Well i'll start with 3 years ago.....after a catalogue minor traumatic incidents in the space of 6months i developed panic attacks along with slight health anxiety, i battled this on my own for a few months before my doctor urged me to try citalopram. The citalopram worked a treat (don't know if it was the actual drug or whether my mind had been fooled into thinking i was better haha) i stayed on the tablets for approx 5months before slowly weaning myself off them. I have been fine ever since......

....well up until 6months ago:weep:, i had my 1st baby in April and since then i have suffered EXTREME health anxiety. Alls i do is think about death and every slight ache pain etc i have turned into an illness in my mind.

Currently i'm convinced i have cervical cancer amongst other illnesses (i know i have a herpes virus even though i have no physical signs of it as this showed up in an STI test when i was 20 and this can cause the cancer). I've been to the doctors voicing my concerns and they won't send me for a smear test due to my age (i'm 22) so now i feel trapped like i'm being left and the cancer will spread etc etc.
I ended up having an emergency c-section and everytime i feel pain in my leg (i had a throbbing pain for a few days last month) so i was/still am convinced i have a bloot clot in my leg from surgery! I have been to the docs about this too.

This is causing my general anxiety to return and i'm feeling worse by the day i have felt close to fainting all day and have been feeling spaced out alot lately....don't know where to turn and cannot face going back to the way i was 3yrs ago, as i need to be a good mum and i want to look after my baby as well as possible i just feel lost :-(

02-11-10, 21:21
Hi Pixie9

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

02-11-10, 21:38
Hi Pixie,

Just want to welcome you to NMP, i am also new hear, i joined on sunday and have found this site so supportive and helpful the last few days so hope we can all be of some help to you as well :).

I know exactly how you feel with the smear test, i am 23 now but asked for my first smear test at 21 and was refused due to my age, i kept on and on at my doctors to let me have one and in the end they got so fed up with me asking they eventually gave me one. so i would keep trying untill you wont take no for an answer. does your doctor know that you are feeling that way?

have you gone back on any meds now? xx

paula lynne
02-11-10, 21:40
Hi Pixie, welcome aboard, youre not alone x:welcome:

02-11-10, 21:44
:welcome:So glad you felt comfortable sharing your concerns. You will find others here with similar wonderings.

02-11-10, 21:47
:welcome: to NMP. X

02-11-10, 21:47
Hi Pixie,

Just want to welcome you to NMP, i am also new hear, i joined on sunday and have found this site so supportive and helpful the last few days so hope we can all be of some help to you as well :).

I know exactly how you feel with the smear test, i am 23 now but asked for my first smear test at 21 and was refused due to my age, i kept on and on at my doctors to let me have one and in the end they got so fed up with me asking they eventually gave me one. so i would keep trying untill you wont take no for an answer. does your doctor know that you are feeling that way?

have you gone back on any meds now? xx

Thankyou hun

I am planning on asking again about smear test at an appointment i have at the doctors on tuesday as it's making my anxiety worse, i feel like if i can have a smear test and everything's fine then i can just get on with my life! as there's no way i can go back to the way i was 3yrs ago and look after my daughter properly. Also seriously considering asking doctor if i can go back on the citalopram, just don't know what to do for the best!
Hope you're feeling okay, glad this site has helped you here's hoping i feel better in a few days :shrug:xx

02-11-10, 21:55
they kept on saying no to me and didnt take me seriously but i just kept on and on and in the end they gave in, they wernt happy about it but i certiantly, it took a big worry off my shoulders as well as i was also quite worried. im pretty sure they will let you have one hun :).

there is no harm in asking to be put back on them, have a chat with your doctors and see what he says, i am sure he will understand that you want to stay strong and positive for your little girl.

im very new to citropram, its my 5th day, side effects arnt to bad apart from not being able to sleep and havent started feeling any better yet at all :weep:

hoping it doesnt take me weeks for anything to happen, dontt know how much longer i can continue to feel low and depressed for.

let me knowhow things go at the docs hun, im here if you wanna private message and chat or anything.

rach xxx

02-11-10, 22:03
After speaking to you i'm determined to get one now, i was told they couldn't refer me for one as it just wasn't allowed as i've just turned 22 and they just dont do them on people that young. But obviously they do if they let you have one after you persisted.
My doc actually said she would take a look at my cervix for anything abnormal but i don't know how that would help as i'm not actually being tested with swabs etc she's only looking and she's not going to be able to see cells is she!! Anyway i'm getting more worked up haha, need to go to bed and get a good nights sleep and escape from my thoughts i think!
thankyou for your support

p.s i didn't have any real side effects from the citalopram and i found they took around 2wks to work so try not to be disheartened and stay strong sweetie xxxxx

02-11-10, 22:05
no worries hun, you know were i am if you wanna chat.

and as for the docs saying they dont do them on young people certainly isnt true, even use me as an example when you go! lol

take care hun xx

03-11-10, 08:57
hi and welcome to nmp :yesyes: just wondering about you not getting this smear test? you say you have just had a baby, it is standard routine to have a smear test in your 6mth post natal check, well going off my experience when i had my little girl at 20! i got a smear test with no problem x take care xx

03-11-10, 09:48
Hi, i know how you feel, i suffer from health anxiety too and its hard work! I have had fears of cervical cancer in the past too, i had my first baby at 19 and one doctor said i would have one at my check up, then when i went or it they said they don't do them until you are 25! so i was like, oooh. So baby number 2 was born when i was 21 and i asked again saying i had now had two children, therefore lots of changes (and i had heard that originally they do one after each child) and they still said no, i asked 2 doctors and they said i couldnt till i was 25 as they arent reliable on younger as can be somewhat false positive or something. I'm 23 now, my eldest is 4, youngest 1 and half, and i can't believe i have to wait another 2 years!! seems daft. I just try my hardest not to think about it, to be honest i have a long list of other health worries scaring me too which keep my mind off it, bit backwards hey!
Hope you get one! Let us know what he says.
Mandy x

03-11-10, 09:56
Hi, i know how you feel, i suffer from health anxiety too and its hard work! I have had fears of cervical cancer in the past too, i had my first baby at 19 and one doctor said i would have one at my check up, then when i went or it they said they don't do them until you are 25! so i was like, oooh. So baby number 2 was born when i was 21 and i asked again saying i had now had two children, therefore lots of changes (and i had heard that originally they do one after each child) and they still said no, i asked 2 doctors and they said i couldnt till i was 25 as they arent reliable on younger as can be somewhat false positive or something. I'm 23 now, my eldest is 4, youngest 1 and half, and i can't believe i have to wait another 2 years!! seems daft. I just try my hardest not to think about it, to be honest i have a long list of other health worries scaring me too which keep my mind off it, bit backwards hey!
Hope you get one! Let us know what he says.
Mandy x
hi, gosh things must of changed! i think its wrong though, all women should beable to have one once they are sexualy active.
having to wait till you are 25? i had two children by the age of 24 and had smear tests after both of them.