View Full Version : Vomiting with anxiety?

02-11-10, 21:49

I have been receiving treatment for depression and anxiety for six months althoughI have had treatment for it before and feel it is something that re-occus often.

In the last month or so I have had what I thought were stomach 'bugs'. They last from a couple of hours- upto 12.

Symptoms are; sweating, palpitations, hot and cold flushes, chest pain, sever stomach cramps, cramp in lower back, dizziness, fear, feeling gassy and vomiting.

It's only todaythat I have linked it with anxiety as I began feeling nervous and then other symptoms followed. It can come and go so quickly. Does anyone elso get this? I've never heard of anyone physically vomiting before?


02-11-10, 21:53
Oh yes hun I get all those my gp says its anxiety it can cause so many physical symptoms I still struggle to believe it but my gp says its anxiety x

paula lynne
02-11-10, 22:09
Hi love, I vomit every time I get a nasty panic attack, not many do, but nausea is common. I know its just the body getting rid of the unecessary stuff due to fight or flight....some get diaorrheoa. Ive asked the same question here before as I was worried that nobody else vomited...some do. Type in "vomiting and panic attacks", or something similar, to the search facility and see what comes up. xxx

02-11-10, 22:10
Thank you for your reply. Puts my mind at rest just knowing Im not the only one!

I've just joined here and, wow, I feel like it has saved my life already. I had no idea so many people suffer the same as I do. I don't need to feel embarrassed and I'm not going mad! Woohoo!

If you don't mind me asking sammi, do you work? I have had to go home sick several times and they are not very sympathetic. Any advice?! x

02-11-10, 22:14
Thank you Paula. I also have had diaorrhea. I just never linked it to the depression, I assumed I just kept getting tummy bugs. It's really affecting mylife because of how long it goes on for. I'm going to re-visit my GP and write down symptoms cos I always forget what to say.

I love your profile photo. I chose almost exact same one but butterfly was on a sunflower but it wouldn't let me upload it! x

03-11-10, 10:52
Hi hun I don't work I'm a full time mum. At the end of the day if your unwell you should be able to go home. Bosses aren't usually sympathetic when I worked my nan died and my boss didn't want me to have time off for the funeral, well you can imagine my reply to that.:mad:

03-11-10, 14:27
Hi Kerrii,
:welcome: to NMP!
It’s too late for me to say that a lot of people experience the very same thing because it seems like you’ve already discovered that yourself :winks:

“I love your profile photo. I chose almost exact same one but butterfly was on a sunflower but it wouldn't let me upload it!”

Do you mean the avatar – that little image that appears next to the username? When people were allowed to upload there own, there were a few that were, well... not suitable for viewing before 9pm :blush:
Also some highly animated ones that some people found rather distracting.

It’s no problem to add one for you though. Simply reply with a link to the end of this thread (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=14745).

Take care :)

09-01-11, 21:22
I haven't been on this website for ages as I have had a shift about with furniture so had to put PC away for a while. I'm so glad to be back!

Wish I could say I felt better...

Thanks to all who have replied to my post. Thanks for welcoming me nigel.

Martin Burridge
10-01-11, 17:21
11 years ago (when I had a few challenges in my life) I had extreme anxiety and used to vomit as soon as I saw the building I worked in. Its amazing the affect it can have on you physically.

Im a therapist now so Im pretty good at dealing with anxiety and I don't get any of the physical symptoms that I used to

11-01-11, 01:56
I used to vomit when I got anxious and depressed. The worst ones was in 1997 when I was being bullied at college really badly by so called friends of mine and I made myself sick. If I saw my so called friends, I would panic and vomit. Mum didn't understand why I was like this and kept asking me questions which made it worse!!! I was sick on Christmas Day too, and that was awful. Then later in 2002, it returned again this time with health anxiety... and become depressed. I didn't realise what was wrong with me until I met a friend of mine, who described having panic attacks and I realised that was what wrong with me. Then I got better and now when I get panic attacks, and I know it's just panic attacks, nothing serious. I know when I get them and I don't get sick. I just try to get on with life now.

Starry xx