View Full Version : Hot flushes/sweats

02-11-10, 22:10
Hi everyone, just wanting some advice on my latest problem...

On Friday last week I was at work and suddenly felt boiling hot for no apparent reason. I felt as though the top of my back was sweating (sorry i know that sounds disgusting) and it really made me panic. Tonight the same thing happened again, i just suddenly felt really hot and panicky and like i was sweating. It literally only lasts a minute, if that, but it's starting to worry me. My mum also suffers from anxiety (although not panic attacks) and she rushed herself to hospital a while back thinking she was on the verge of a heart attack, and the doctors reassured her by saying she didnt have any of the symptoms, they said "you're not having red hot sweats..."!

Now all i can think of is that I'm having red hot sweats and am i on the verge of a heart attack?! Can anybody reassure me?

Thanks x

02-11-10, 22:13
It is highly unlikely to be having a heart attack just because of hot flashes and nothing else to be honest.

02-11-10, 23:45
Hi Nicola, thanks for your reply. I've also been experiencing some pain in my left arm over the last few days, it comes and goes and just feels like a dull throbbing, not terrible but enough to make me sit up and take notice. This doesnt happen at the same time as these hot flushes. Do you think it's unlikely that these are linked? :unsure: