View Full Version : feel panicky again and again in waves...why

02-11-10, 22:22
Hello evryone
keep feeling a wave of panic rush over me today was ok at work from 9 untill 5.30 and when i got home and had some paracetomol for my headache i felt all shaky and cant shake it off now im drinking lavander tea at the moment to try and calm myself see if it works id do nythink not to feel the panic fear i feel all the time its so horrible .not sure why i feel this way almost everyday.dont usually have caffeine but it contained it in the soloubul paracetomol i took earlier would that trigger the panic off do you think,?? just need some ways of learning to cope at home and how to get that feeling out of my body..please any tips ,kind words of wisdom anythink is apreicted .how somethink can control your life so much i dont know just wana cry ,my eyes out thanks for listening

06-11-10, 18:02
How are you feeling now? Hope the lavender tea helped, I always have chamomile but I want to try lavender. Do you still think it was the caffeine that set you off?


06-11-10, 18:48
i feel like this too and no what you mean i just wish there was someway of stopping it. Hope your feeling better now x i drink alot of caffiene and in a down ward spirall with it cos im trying to reduce it only that makes me feel worse lol

i dont think that the caffine in the paracetmol would be enough to set you off though x