View Full Version : Constantly wanting to tell the truth and revealing secrets and mistakes

02-11-10, 22:42

So im on a new obbsession this week! Im obbsessed with telling the truth! and secrets

Like I feel I have to.Its like I cant make a right descion like im torn between it then regret doing it later.Like when i first met my boyfriend a guy I was kind of seeing went prison and i was confused when he went in so i seen him a few times and kissed him I wasnt dating my boyfriend at the time I was just getting to know him although he didnt fully ask me out till dec 2009.When he finally asked me out I didnt really want contact with the guy in prison and to see him but he made me feel guilty guy in prison and friends was saying you might regret not wating for him [lets say thats not good for someone with ocd] So I went to see him again twice I felt nothing for him as I known I had A boyfriend I just didnt know how to tell the guy in prison because I worried he depended on me.

Anyway this week I thought about it one thought has turned into me saying sorry to my boyfriend coming close to telling him even though everyone has said leave it cos it doesnt matter I was confused and wasnt doing it because I wanted to be with him.I start going over everything like phone calls,cards I sent but most was out of guilt not knowing how to say no.

So I just want to tell boyfriend to relieve anxitey even though I dont want to As I know theres no point it's just eatingat me and making me anxious because I want reassurance etc.Im getting the normal intrusive thoughts that im bad and im a cheater and all that rubbish!even though when I did go to see this guy when I was dating my boyfriend I didnt really want to be there!

How can I stop this OCD I havent been this anxious for weeks!

10-11-10, 23:36
These intrusive thoughts are nasty i know, they are crap and if you are against trying medication you need to challenge these thoughts yourself.

Do not give into the ritual of telling truths and lies. unless its genuine :D

Visit a professional and they will guide you as they did me

Good Luck:hugs:

13-11-10, 23:16
I had this really bad as a child... I kinda grew out of it, although it does occassionally creep back in. I now always remember a piece of advice and follow that. Some truths may make you feel better for telling however they may really hurt the other people involved, so try and protect those people.

13-11-10, 23:22
Hope that didn't sound too abrupt, sorry, didn't mean it. Hope you are ok. My OCD has got worse lately due to anxiety, stress...def linked :(