View Full Version : Here we go again

02-11-10, 22:52
So here I am after an evening of more panic attacks, tonight was triggered as usual out of the blue when I was shopping in tesco. It was so bad I had to leave my trolley in the aisle and walk out. I was struggling for breath my chest was tight and I could hardly walk. Made it back to my car and very slowly drove to the nearest medical centre, I told them I was having a panic attack but wasn't a patient there and that I was stuggling to get home, well, they didn't really care and no one would see me, great !!! Again struggling to my car totally freaking out I managed to get To my mums 5 mins away, I was in a state and sure it wad more than a panic attack as I always do!! My mum just hugged me to calm me down and held me until the panic eased, at 31 I still need my mum!!! I was so scared and crying loads, I have stayed at my mums all night as I'm scared to drive home, and I have succumbed to taking a dIazepam. I'm in a nice comfy bed and really hoping I can sleep without another attack.
Everyone scares me more than the last and I feel I'm out of control, I want so much for it to end so I can start living my life, they make me feel so down and I'm not the same person any more :-(
too all others in the same position I pray we all get some peace eventually from this disorder but until now I will continue to share my experiences if that's ok, luv and hugs to fellow panic/anxiety sufferers x x

02-11-10, 22:56
Know how you feel,,cant help with advice sorry,,just started having them myself,,take care:hugs:

02-11-10, 23:04
They are so terrible, people who have never experienced them wiill never understand just how bad, crippling and de bilitating they are, my body is twisted with anxiety and I know this breeds my panic but it's a vicious circle, I'm trying my best to cope but to be honest I am drained, sad and scared. I'm so glad I found thus foru
so at least I can write my thoughts and feelings down knowing others will u
understand what I'm going through and not judging me.. X

02-11-10, 23:09
Stick around eloelo, there is good friendly reassurance and advice to be found from the people here.

paula lynne
02-11-10, 23:22
Hi hun, what a terrible time your having. x
Im 39, had panic for 10 years. In the beginning I was getting 4/5 a week, lasting from 1-3hours, vomiting, crawling around on my hands and knees, confused, palps, chest pain sweating,...the whole shebang...even in the middle of the night while asleep, it could wake me up.
It is terribly debilitating, and the fear is so intense, such horrible sensations, no wonder we are petrified of going throught it again.
I now get maybe 2 every 3 months.
The first thing I did was tell myself...they werent going to kill me. These are FEELINGS, causing us to panic, not symptoms of some deadly disease.
Secondly, everytime I paniced, I self-talked all the way through it..."Ive done this before..it will peak...and tail off...it cant hurt me...I am loved and I am safe..."

Ok, its taken 8 years to get here, but its a massive improvement. I had absolutely no quality of life before, trapped 24/7 in fear and panic....

My next plan was...preparation. I have my paper bag, a tape to listen too, lavender oil..a book with large print...you can use anything that suits really.

I know your tired and drained, but dont give up. Instead of dreading it, turn it on its head and say.."Ive done this before...its not pleasant..but I WILL GET THROUGH IT!

Eventually, I stopped giving it power over me...and suddenly..it was if my panic COULDNT BE BOTHERED with me much! A breakthrough at last...

Dr Claire Weekes "Self help for your nerves" is a great read. I have also been listening to Susan Jeffers "Feel the fear and do it anyway" on tape for 8 years now, its worn out, but her voice gives me comfort and calms me.

A trick I learned early on......YOU CAN TRICK YOUR BRAIN INTO CALMING DOWN.
When your COMPLETELY RELAXED use lavender on your palms, and inhale..while thinking calming thoughts, or saying positive affermations to yourself...I smile, and say "I am loved and I am safe"...do this often when you are calm. When you next panic use lavender, your brain will have begun to associate the smell with feelings of calm..it really takes the edge of.

Sorry for long winded post, sending love, you can improve, believe in yourself.xxxx

03-11-10, 04:43
Paula were you on any medication x x

paula lynne
03-11-10, 10:45
Hi Kayleigh, in the beginning I was on valium...it really messted me up. Coming off them was terrible...Ive been totally med free for panic and anxiety for about 7 years now x The only meds I take is for my Bp & Cholesterol x

03-11-10, 11:45
thank you all for your lovely replies and spesh Paula for your long reply
Today i am just trying to relax, although i do find this hard to do. im currently staying at my mums as being away from my own home ensures i dont get wrapped up in doing housework and daily chores, i think my body is asking for this rest to try and restore the balance. My chest does feel tight today and if i think for too long i might even escalate it into a panic attack, so i am trying to be careful, i also have numbness on my left arm, i have checked with the doc on monday who says this is the effects of the anxiety and panic, and currently awaiting for my appointment at the cardio department just to make sure everything is ok. Its a long process but i am determined to follow whichever path i need to for however long to be able to break this terrible disorder.
However many times i do have a panic attack i WILL try and tell myself i CAN get over it, but as ppl know this is hard when your gripped with so much fear and terror ..
Luv to you all ... xx

03-11-10, 13:10
Hi there. I totally relate. I need my mum too. When we panic the inner child comes out and wants its mummy. There's nothing wrong with that, so don't beat yourself up over it.

03-11-10, 16:51
its just happened again, another attack at virtually the same time as last night, luckily i was next to my pc and got straight on to you tube to do some EFT tapping and then 40 minutes of relaxation music, feel a bit better just the after effects to deal with. Again my chest went really tight, i felt really hot and started to get very agitated, thank god i have calmed myself down before i got even worse, my mum will be home soon .......

03-11-10, 18:09
How are you feeling now hun? xx

paula lynne
03-11-10, 18:45
Keep going, your doing really well, you can do it x

03-11-10, 19:28
ok so i have calmed down slightly but feel really anxious and fidgety, my chest is still tight and im getting palps, even walking up the stairs is leaving me short of breath

paula lynne
03-11-10, 19:40
worst over now, you got through it. Is there someone with you? x

03-11-10, 21:11
thanks, yes the worst is over, feeling better and more relaxed, decided to learn to crochet to take my mind off it, awful crocheting but at least it calmed me down,:D
thanks again for your advice hoping that will be the last one today, xx

paula lynne
03-11-10, 21:12
Well done x:yesyes:

03-11-10, 21:33
hope u are feeling better now


04-11-10, 09:20
Eventually, I stopped giving it power over me...and suddenly..it was if my panic COULDNT BE BOTHERED with me much! A breakthrough at last...

Dr Claire Weekes "Self help for your nerves" is a great read. I have also been listening to Susan Jeffers "Feel the fear and do it anyway" on tape for 8 years now, its worn out, but her voice gives me comfort and calms me.

I have just ordered the Claire Weekes' book you mention above. I have heard her books are very good, thanks for the recommendation. :)

paula lynne
04-11-10, 11:25
Hi Heavenly, Hope the book helps! x:)