View Full Version : Is there a point?

02-11-10, 23:15
whats the point in anything, what im doing? cos i dont know anymore. am i going in the right direction cos im lost and dont know which way to go.

Im so tired which doesnt help. feel like giving up all that im doing, probably not godd enough to do it anyway..

Im horrible,stupid, bad, useless and evil thats me.

I should be fine and be able to sort myself out, as in my job i support others and help them so why cant i sort myself out and take some advice i give to others and apply it to me.

Im scared, and feel so alone with it all, i guess right now its all too much and i dont know what to do.... sorry

02-11-10, 23:35
Hi ljd,

im sorry to hear you are feeling so low but please dont put yourself down, you are not horrible stupid bad or evil.

we all no how you are feeling on here and all in similar situations to you. i have my good and bad days and it sounds like today is a bad day fo ryou but you will get through this. i have had an awful day today so i no how you feel..

i try to tell myself everyday to listen to my own advice i give other people but it never works when i tell myself that.

you are not alone, you can talk to anyone on here and we will all support you, just if you want to rant and rave just to get it off your chest feel free to, we are all happy to listen and try to help.

i do hope you feel better. love and hugs rach :hugs:xx

02-11-10, 23:42
Thanks Rach,

im sorry to hear you have not had a good day either, I guess im all over the place at the moment and am so stressed as have lots to do and not geting very far. Am so tired which makes it feels worse.

Im scared, scared of life, of my feelings and thoughts and just cant seem to get rid of them and snap out of it, about time i did...

Im just finding it hard lately and i guess i just hide how i am all the time and no one knows im like this..

thanks so much means alot to know theres support here tc

03-11-10, 12:43
I'm like you LJD. Today I just feel like what is the point. Life is dull and even more dull and hard when suffering from anxiety like we all do.

I read things that say "life is a great adventure" and all of this nonsense and I don't believe in it. I want to but I don't. Is this my anxiety? Who knows.

I find it hard too, don't worry. I wake up everyday and think great another day...

I think it's all part and parcel of anxiety!

03-11-10, 21:29
Hi David, thanks for the reply.

sorry to you are feeling like you do. Hope you feel better soon.

Life can be a great adventure ive had a few especially when i go travelling its just that im up and down and at the moment on a downer.. and dont know what to do. tc

03-11-10, 23:49
you really do sound very depressed, which im not suprised about if you aren't sleeping. it sounds like your having such a tough time.. did you say you are getting any professional help? I know us professionals find it hard to ask for help but sometimes we just need someone to help ourselves dig ourselves out of our own dark hole. Is there anything you find is hoping at the moment? eg, distraction, getting out, being around people. xx

04-11-10, 00:50
Hi ems thanks for your reply,

i am not getting any help as fnoone knows how i am and i should be fine i guess. It doesnt help cos im so tired and run down. work and studying adds to all the stress.

i try and distract myself and go and do things but its hard at the moment to find any motivation and any point in doing anything.. i have so much to do with studying and working that theres not much time to do anything else as so tired..

i just need to snap out of this stupid mood im in driving me mad.. oh and sleep.

thanks hope ur ok tc