View Full Version : Cramping arms and legs

02-11-10, 23:19
I keep getting this and it is really freaking me out. When i've been sitting watching tv etc it feels like both arms and legs are cramping up. Is this a sign of something serious? What with my other symptoms of eyes hurting and the numb patch I had on my lip a few weeks back I;m slowly going crazy.

I keep thinking all sorts, diabetes, tumours, MS, MND. I hate sounding like a broken record but I am so very worried. The GP just seems to dismiss these things every time I mention them but the list of neurological symptoms just seems to be growing.

02-11-10, 23:52
Hi dodo, sorry I can't really advise anything on the arm and leg cramps but I will say that I am forever experiencing symptoms which I am convinced are related to my heart, even though I've been reassured by my doc that there's nothing to worry about. You're not alone. Everyone gets strange sensations but it's only us with anxiety that remember the sensations vividly and kind of build up a list in our mind which all points to the same 'illness'. I don't mean this to sound in any way belittling; believe me, I know exactly how you feel. It's difficult to believe that there isnt something that your doctor is missing but be reassured that you are not the only one with these feelings, and we have to try and accept their verdict that it's 'only' anxiety, and slowly overcome the fear and accept that there is nothing physically wrong. We'll get there eventually :)!

03-11-10, 12:47
I can hear you. Am worried cos no one seems to have experienced anything similar which is making me worry there might be something more to it.

03-11-10, 17:49
Hi dodo, you honestly won't be the only one who has experienced this. If you scroll to the bottom of the screen you'll see other posts about arm and leg cramps. Also try searching these keywords on this forum and you'll find more. Whenever I get a new strange feeling I always think it must be serious and nobody else seems to have experienced it. I often get pains in my fingers and am convinced that it's a heart problem, and i have looked on here but there doesnt seem to be anybody who has had the same problem. But I'm still here, and the only option is to gradually try to accept the feelings for what they are - just feelings and nothing more. You will get through this and it will get better.

03-11-10, 19:53
hi Dodo, I had cramp achy calfs a couple of weeks ago. Dr mentioned possible sciatica as it was worse when sitting, it has got better & now it is just at the back of my knees. have you tried massage x

04-11-10, 02:08
I have leg cramps usually at worst after sitting for a while. I was told years ago had tendonitis. Dunno abourt your arms but also check your shoes. If they are worn out they can cause leg and foot pain.