View Full Version : I'm scared of everthing

02-11-10, 23:25
I don't understand what's wrong with me i can't travel far from home I cnt go to the dentist I get nervous getting my hair done and in crowed places I worry when I feel I'll I think it's Sumet serious . Had a mental ass they said it's mild anxiety ????? And mild claustrophobia that's it no help nothing . Just meds ??? How can I overcome it , any advice would be nice thanks

02-11-10, 23:46
i would say my way of copeing with stuff like that is to just chuck yourself in the deep end sometimes no every1s choosen methord, i was watching the middle the other day on tv and there was a fridge magnet dont ask lol but anyways but it said think of the thing you cant to.. and do it! simple easy said then done though hope tis helped =]

02-11-10, 23:49
Hiya nat,
use all your determination and positivity to do thet things you want to do if you really want to do it you can. Dont not do as it may get worse, do small things at a time and gradually build up to bigger things tc

02-11-10, 23:52
Lol I watched that , everyone keeps saying face ur fear it's hard tho why would I bring on a panic attack when the easier thing to do is not do it ? That's what I've bein skin since 16 I'm 23 now and sick ov wishing I could do stuff .just want help no one listens

02-11-10, 23:54
Thanks ljd . I just haven't got the support I need that's why I joined this my fam n friends don't understand I'm tired of fighting it now .wish I was normal :(

03-11-10, 08:44
nat its a hard struggle,
just take small steps and hopefully you get more confidence to be able to do other things tc

03-11-10, 11:46
Hi........ I'm new to this site, I suffered bad anxiety when I was about 21 got through it had meds and eventually got mky life back on track. Now the anxiety has come back and I feel lost and out of control. Just started new meds zoloft have tried so many but never get past the third day just end up panicking and thinking they'll make me worse. I have a one year old son and don't feel like i'm enjoying it like I should because I spend most of my time worrying about anxiety and going mad. It's hard but we will all get through it and be stronger people. Anybody have any advice on how to overcome fear of taking tablets? Rach. x x x

03-11-10, 12:39
Lol I watched that , everyone keeps saying face ur fear it's hard tho why would I bring on a panic attack when the easier thing to do is not do it ? That's what I've bein skin since 16 I'm 23 now and sick ov wishing I could do stuff .just want help no one listens

Hi Natalie

The trouble is hun that until you do manage to face the panics and start to deal with them rather than avoiding them, things won't change for you.
Medication alone will NOT cure panics you have to be prepared to put in some work yourself..possibly CBT or other therapy, even planning things yourself by using self-help books.

It is hard, in fact it is one of the hardest things in life to do but do you truly think that's it's easier not to face what scares you?
Look at what you have written. You are sick of wanting to do stuff but acknowledge that you don't cos it's easier not to.
You want help but no-one listens. What help do you want hun? There is help out there like the stuff I have already mentioned but you also have to take on the largest part of the responsibility yourself.

Nobody can do it for you but we can support you while you do it. :flowers:

03-11-10, 12:45
I'm right with you there scamper. Have had bad reactions to meds before and won't take anything now. Would like to try something herbal but worried even those would have side effects. I have a young child too and feel she's missing out because of my stupid fears and phobias.