View Full Version : i have got my dx and you wouldnt think it could be

14-03-06, 02:42
Well doc just found out today i have a mitralvale prolapse its not a life ending dease but to all of you suffering from panic attacks and axiety and ibs and other crazy thing this can be you check this site out its very helpful on it i have gotten it from my mother and she started with her symptoms at the same age iam now at the age of 35 http://www.mitralvalveprolapse.com/INDEX.htm.htm so just somthing to look into and you all might think i thought i was just a crazy person and it was all in my head iam just glad to be dx after all the testing i have went threw my mother was the one that seen the sighns in me and told the doc thats she had mvps

14-03-06, 02:52
I just hope this might make since to some that suffer from crazy heart beats night sweats and diffrent types of numbness from cold clamy hands it make it all happen and one good thing your not going to die from it its just another key in the fight for a normal life with out panic!!!

14-03-06, 16:48
Hi Forrest..

MVP is one of the well known conditions that can mimic anxiety symptoms.

Its fairly easily diagnosed and as you say its non life threatening.

Glad you're feeling better about it all.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

14-03-06, 17:14
Gosh that was very interesting.

Sixteen years ago when I was pregnant with my middle child I was found to have a heart murmur and told that it was nothing to worry about but that to tell my dentist so I could have antibiotics before any treatment.

I never asked much about it as in those days was much less anxious and very involved with bringing kids up so it didnt really occur to me.

I do suffer with sea sickness badly (even though I love boats) and have always been car sick - they mention the sea sickness thing on the site forrest has linked to.

Do you think there is a possibility that my anxiety is linked to this Meg??

I have to say the timing isn't really right, I started with anxiety and panic attacks 6 years ago not 16 years ago and it was following my divorce (an obvious stressor)!!!

Also the last couple of times my doctor has listened to my heart he said he can't even hear it and always recommends I go joggin or something to help me with my anxiety, so I guess he can't be too concerned then!!!

Meg I guess what I am asking is does my murmur sound like it might be this sort of murmur???

I know the simplest thing would be to ask him but it means that he has to go back 16 years and I hate bothering him with an idle curiosity matter when they have so many serious things to deal with. I don't really like bothering them at all actually!!!

Thanks Piglet xxx

14-03-06, 17:32
Most MVPs can be heard in the form of a murmur and indeed thats is how most are first picked up, then, if the gp thinks it warrants investigating it takes another test, often an echo to decide the degree of prolapse and what if any form of treatment it should take next.


proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

15-03-06, 14:08

Lucy lol hun - not really het up, more very interested really!! You know me I'm like a dog with a bone when something sparks me!!

It would just be interesting if the murmur I've got or not got is this type though, nothing more!!!!!

It's just I don't really want to ring my doctor just to ask a daft question like that from 16 years ago cos I am not even sure that even if it is, that, it has any bearing on how I deal with the symptoms anyway and I do realise that this type is nothing to worry about as they aren't serious!!

I do like it when pieces of jigsaws come together though :D:D:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

15-03-06, 14:32
Hi Piget,

I know what you mean, I'm the same, I like to make sense of things too.

I freaked when I first read this post, I though oh no not another thing to worry about and try and get tested for to see if it's the reason for my anxiety. Thankfully I read Meg's reply that this sort of thing can usually be detected with a stethoscope and a good listen so I relaxed after that.
prior to that I was panicking as an echo is the only test I've not had heart wise. Didn't want to have to go and insist for an echo. Lol.

Lisa x

15-03-06, 14:45
:D:D Lis!!!

I itch to ask my doctor but what do I say,

<center>"You know that murmur I had 16 years ago but that you couldn't hear the last few times you listened to my heart, what was it called again -cos I am wanting to blame all my anxiety and panic on it, then I can go round telling everybody I have a legitimate 'condition' which makes me have an anxiety 'condition'!!!!"[:I][:I]:D</center>


I think the only sane way I can broach this with my doc is if sometime I ring and ask if its still necessery to take antibiotics at the dentist. I do actually have to have my teeth cleaned and polished at some point soon and have the antibiotic script here. So it's a bit timely - then I could launch into the above speech !!!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

Love Piglet xxxx

16-03-06, 13:32
Good thinking Piglet.

I don't think it's unreasonable to ask anyway but certainly asking about the antibiotics is a good idea as you may not even need them anymore.

Lisa x

P.S believe me I've asked my doctor far madder things than what you described in your post above!

16-03-06, 13:48
Lol Lis,

My Gp seems to have a sort of firm grip on the corners of his mouth whenever I go to see him and I am sure if I went back into his office immediately after an appt he would be rolling around on the floor.:D

I think I must have a way of asking questions or not using the right words that generate the sort of incredible queries that I sometimes have!!!

I remember asking the lady doc if having a coil fitted was painful and her saying no she had one. "Yes", I said "but you probably fitted your own."!!! Her face as she shuffled me out of the office was something else.

I don't go to the doctors very often as it always seems to be so memorable for us all that I need to leave long gaps between visits for us to get over it.

One of the last visits involved a poo sample ..........

Love Piglet xx

16-03-06, 14:00
Lol Piglet, thanks for making me laugh :D Glad it's not just me that has embarrasing visits. I can't believe how my gp keeps a straight face some days, she takes every silly thing deadly serious or appears to, but some of the jokes I make about myself make her laugh so much. I can just imagine their staff room coffee breaks..... can you guess what Lisa said today, it was so hard to keep a straight face etc! Lol

Sorry to take over your post Forrest [Oops!]

Lisa x

17-03-06, 03:34
Iam happy about the hole thing my mother has had it for many years she is now 65 she had it found when she was 32 they found it when they did a ear drum transplant my mother is the one said have your doc check you for that my bowells have been sooooo messed up where it has been meesing with my hole well being and mvp and ibs go hand and hand..

17-03-06, 04:52
I talked to the lady that put that web site up she was very helpful and had the time to talk to me four almost a hour about mvps!!Its nothing to worry about but just sheds light to why some axiety is there for some reason!!This does not kill you you can live a normal life and they treat it the same way they would axiety i just thought i would share to all of us that do have some type of panic and axiety that it could be caused by somthing else besides are brain i have sufferd from health axiety since i was 12 years old always thinking i was choking on somthing and started at the age of 12 with floaters in the eyes and all kind of eye tricks from tunnal vision to flashy like stars that would make me have tunnal vision and it would follow with really bad headacks then when i has 17 i started to get real bad headacks and then it would follow with presure in the middle of my eyes then the only way it would go away was by noise bleeds but as i got older it went away then in 1996 my xwife cheated on me with another man so then i had axiety so bad over hiv i thought i had hiv from her cheating on me and not telling me it went on for five months tell i had the nerve to get tested and then on top of that got the chicken pocks at the age of 26 and it put me in the hospital but ever since that i havnt been the same i started to drink heavy for six years but now have stopped for a year!!But as of may i have gotten pretty ill again with real bad bowell problems pain in my neck and numb shoulder on my left and hands falling asleep every night and not geeting alot of sleep and somtimes i wake in the middle of the night scared even when i dont have nightmares and as soon as i wake for the morning to get ready for work i have i have not time to do nothing but run right to the bathroom to have a bowell movment!!i have upper right side pain alot of gas nausea and my stools are always yellow so that got me really scared about hep a-b-c but was tested for that and it was neg but my mind still to this day i think i have a liver dease from drinking even after all test have shown diffrent but the only true anser to see if you have liver problems is a biopys of the liver but there is no gi doc in the us that will not give you one unless you have hep b-c are abnormal liver blood tests lasting over six months i have had 8 liver blood tests all coming back normal so my gi doc has done all he can do he says i must see a sike aka head doc to handle my problem my gi doc say i have axiety and ibs but i think he is wrong for some reason that it way health axiety is a tuff one to fix!!

18-03-06, 14:35
sorry could you tell me what the symtom are ....if you dont mind....

can it make you tired as well?

always loved never fotgotten..