View Full Version : New Member w/breathing & Heart fears

03-11-10, 02:43
Hello I am a new member and recently looked up health anxiety. I know I have it, but it's convincing myself that my symptoms aren't really life-threatening that is the hard part. I continually struggle with the idea that I'm not just anxious but perhaps actually on my death bed.

I have had health fears my whole life, I can remember as a child sitting up and wondering if I was going to stop breathing at night. I also used to have severe panic attacks that I thought were heart attacks and that robbed me of my breath. In addition I was diagnosed with asthma and allergies. So my whole life, almost on a daily basis, I feel like I am going to stop breathing. I have shortness of breath almost all the time, and a dry, hacking cough that plagues me as well. I also get bloaty feelings and funny heart beats.

I am also a nurising student and know how to assess my heart and lungs. Well my lungs sound clear to me but my heart, I have these funny "fluttery" feelings that feel like they're coming from my heart, and I listened to them the other day & it was a skipped beat, I could hear it clearly.

I had anorexia nervousa for about one-two years and I was 5'6 and 98 lbs, I recovered without treatment, but I am afraid that I have damaged my heart. Although my breathing issues have been going on since I was about 9, went to see many doctors and was told it was GERD, allergies, asthma, blah blah blah. Also diagnosed with depression, anxiety disorder.

Anyway I have self-diagnosed with everything under the book related to breathing, my current fear is congestive heart failure due to my severe stomach bloating and shortness of breath. Who knows. I just want for once in my life to breath normally. And to not be afraid.

03-11-10, 02:55
Welcome to the site.
Try reading the help pages on the left of the screen and also there are loads of posts on here by members who have the same symptoms that you described.
I know cuz I'm one of them :)

I suffered thru the fear of having a heart attack and also have had issues with breathing (feeling that I'm not getting enough air, that I can't breathe deeply, that I would stop breathing, like there is something stuck somewhere in my throat, etc...I've had loads of breathing fears!!)

The flutters you feel could be palps. I've heard members talk about it but haven't experienced them myself. I have had chest pains and have been able to actually feel my heart beat enough due to worrying about it so much that I could have SWORE it was irregular. Went to the doctor and he ran all kinds of tests, all of which were normal.
I am sure you will find loads of info and a great group of supportive new friends here :)

03-11-10, 02:59
Hello fellow USA er :)

03-11-10, 10:28
Apart from the asthma and the anorexia, your story sounds exactly like mine. When I was 7 years old I used to scream for my mom in the middle of the night, and when she'd come into the room I'd tell her "my heart is stopping". I'm currently having a rebound of my hypochondria, with heart fears coming in full force. I keep having strange palpitations along with numbness in limbs, pain in back and chest, dizziness, feeling faint and weak... I've been to so many doctors that I know I must be fine, but in reality I'm scared shitless... constantly conscious of my breathing and heart, just horrible and annoying. Just know you're not alone!

paula lynne
03-11-10, 10:35
A belated welcome x