View Full Version : Hello, new on here

03-11-10, 04:26
Hi all, Im new to the forum and have suffered anxiety & depression for the past 3-4 years. It started when I became stressed at work and my health became run-down and I ended up off work for a long while ill. I struggled to come to terms with the mental side of things and eventually was put on fluoxatine which helped me cope with the physical health problems.

I have recently been off work for 6 months due to the same health problem and the anxiety & depression have come again, worsening this time. I was tried on Venlafaxine, which made me feel awful and now Cipralex (escatalipram) which did help for a while, but now isnt doing anything. Im finding life very hard at the minute as lots of things are worrying me, my health, finances and my work have given me a final written warning due to my sick absence, so im scared im going to lose my job that means alot to me. I split with my husband last year and haven't really gotten over that either.

I saw a CPN and he was nice and talked to me, but said that as my problems are very real and in all areas of my life, its difficult for him to help as im reacting how most people would react to a marriage breakdown, long term ill health, money worries etc. I almost feel like he sees that he cant do much to help me. Its like every part of my life is falling apart and I dont know how to stop it. I worry alot about whats going to happen to me, as everything just goes downhill. My long term doctor has left the surgery and so I dont have any real support there with my family living away and friends busy at work.

Sorry that was long, hi to anyone out there suffering the same, wouldnt wish this on anyone x

03-11-10, 04:42
Hi Hopeless1982

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

03-11-10, 05:20

03-11-10, 09:40
Hi and welcome to NMP:)

03-11-10, 09:55
Hi there,

Sorry that you're having a tough time. As you've got so much going on, perhaps it would help to work tough each area methodically. Perhaps what you need is some practical help as well as emotional help such as with your finances. If you could find a way to sort out your money problems then that might ease things slightly. With regards to work - have you explained to them what you've been going through? Maybe you need to have a chat with your manager / HR Dept to explain how worried you are, that you're committed to your job but are going through a tough time. It certainly can't do any harm.
In the meantime just try to be kind to yourself & take each day as it comes. You will come through this - even if it may not feel like it now. You've had a tough time & it's only natural that you're finding it hard going

Take care


03-11-10, 10:00
hello and welcome :D:welcome: x

paula lynne
03-11-10, 10:37
Welcome aboard x

Vanilla Sky
03-11-10, 13:38
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:
Paige x