View Full Version : Acting out dreams in the morning and jolting awake at night

03-11-10, 07:37
Last night I jerked awake several times before I eventually went to sleep, not unusual and not something I am that worried about as I know there are several posts on the subject.

What I am really frightened by is the morning problem I have. During REM, I wake acting out my dream...this is never that violent, just my hand turning a doorknob in my dream or my leg kicking out...today my shoulders wre moving and I was dreaming I was being shaken. This seems to me to be me moving as part of my dream rather than dreaming because I am twiching or moving.

I have health anxiety and if you read my threads in the past you will see I have worried about many illnesses, but I do not feel like this at the moment. I feel that all my previous concerns were due to early stage Parkinsons, shoulder/muscle probs etc.

I am frightened that I have Parkinsons (My mum has it, I am 40) and I have read that this REM behaviour can precede Parkinsons.

There is no test for Parkinsons other than diagnosis based on certain neuro tests, symptoms and ruling out other conditions. I have tested myself for some of the neuro responses that my mum has, and i feel I would probably pass them, and therefore do not want to go to the neurologist to be told I might get Parkinsons in the future or I am in very early stages...

What I am looking for is reassurrance is that other people have acted out a dream in this way or do so more when anxious....if not then I will go down the neuro path.

Please reply, I know it is a more unusual post.


03-11-10, 11:30
Recently I have been suffering with horrid OCD thoughts and compulsions... they've been invading my dreams and I have had a few dreams where I have been physically doing things in them, and my fiance said I have been kicking, moving, wriggling, etc.

03-11-10, 16:51
Thanks mumble, it doesn't seem to be very common on no more panic. I have been trying to do alternative thinking today ... And wonder if this is stress, although my anx has been good recently other than the parkinsons worry. Do you think your dreaming and moving is stress and when does yr fiancé notice it ... During the night or more in the morning? Thanks again