View Full Version : sudden pressure in chest

03-11-10, 08:30
While sitting here 15 minutes ago i got a sudden crushing pain in the centre of my chest - it lasted about 5-10 seconds but took my breath away

i was sitting watching tv and checking emails on the laptop and it has really frightened me

i did have a feeling like someone was gripping my left arm about 30 minuts before this happened - my bp is 145/95 pulse 80

I also have dhirrohea (u know what i mean) and now my panic has started again

any ideas or do i call the hospital immediately

03-11-10, 09:37
i am also suffering severe acid and indigestion

forgot to mention i start my part time job next week after 2 1/2 years

03-11-10, 18:32
its still happening now after a period of 4 hours with nothing - more like a stabbing pain now :(

would really appreciate some support & advice

04-11-10, 19:51
If you are concerned ring NHS direct. I don't think it is anything to be to concerned about as it was very short in duration, most heart ischaemic pain has to last longer than 10 seconds. It sounds like an oesophageal spasm , I have had that myself and it is disconcerting as it feels very much how you would imagine heart pain to feel like.
But as well as the pain you are cold and clammy, nauseas, short of breath then ring for an ambulance as it's better to be checked out to be well than to wait and get worse. Nobody minds if things are ok. Do what you think is sensible and only you know what that is.