View Full Version : I'm new to this site but not new to anxiety!

03-11-10, 08:42
Hi everyone,
I am new to this site and have signed up after what feels like a lifetime of anxiety, stress and phobias.
I am 50, married with 4 grown up children and 2 grand-daughters.
My anxiety comes and goes but is always there. Social situations scare me because I think i don't have anything interesting to say, so i say nothing and then people may think I am being rude! I worry about everything...being sick, fainting, headaches, chest pain, palpitations.
I had a panic attack while shopping yesterday...the first one for a long time...and I am now taking slow release Propanolol to stop the physical symptoms that i get which are mainly palpitations. I have also developed a concern with my throat...not just the usual lump in the throat feeling but also regular stabbing pains in my throat area. i convinced myself that this was thyroid-related or worse. blood tests came back normal!
my mum died of alcohol-related liver failure and i worry that this will happen to me. i am currently not drinking for a month (day 5!) to give my body a chance to detox itself and see how i am feeling after that.
i have often come onto this site via google and have found it a huge help to find that i am not the only person feeling like i do.
That's probably enough from me but it's great to be here and i look forward to exhanging tips and chat and advice with people.
i feel better already :D

03-11-10, 08:44
Hi mrsf

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-11-10, 08:51
hello and :welcome: mrsf, glad you found this site, as i am so very glad i did! it has helped me loads since i joined! :D hope it helps you too x
i also have stopped drinking, i have done 4 wks now and feel so much better in myself for it, so keep it up x take care

03-11-10, 09:37
Hi mrsf :welcome:to the forum, really glad you found us.:)

needs to change56
03-11-10, 09:42
hi ther im new and also have been useing alchol as a way out of panick and anxiety since i was 21 ,,, im only 32 now ad decided to give ad ago i wish u well xxxx

paula lynne
03-11-10, 10:40
Hi MrsF welcome to a supportive informative site x:welcome:

03-11-10, 11:31
Thank you for all of your comments. It really is such a relief to not feel so alone with my problems.:) x