View Full Version : First Steps

03-11-10, 11:04
Hi everyone,

I have just found this site and so far has been very helpful to realise that I am not the only one feeling like this.

I have just got back from my GP who has given me Citalopram. I have been feeling low for weeks now, things getting on top of me. I had a major panic attack while doing a presentation at work a couple of weeks ago and am now petrified of this happening again. My job involves presenting to large groups and I have always enjoyed doing this - so can't understand what's happening to me.

I have had lots of stress over the last few years. I had breast cancer diagnosied when I was 39 and we struggled through this whilst bringing up our 2 daughters. But I have made a full recovery and had reconstructive surgery and everything. I coped then so I can't understand why I am not coping now!

We have had a stressful house move and my Dad is ill. I have also handed in my notice from my job and start a new one in January - so there's been lots of life-changing things going on lately.

My Gp hasd referred me for CBT to cope with my panic/anxiety and I am hoping to hear soon. I have been unable to get to work this week due to feeling so depressed, I feel like I am letting everyone down.

I am anxious about taking the Citalopram but can see no other way to sort this out.

03-11-10, 11:05
Hi SJM13

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

carla g
03-11-10, 11:11
hi im also newish to the sight i have been on Citalopram for 7 days now and i really dont think i would of stuck to it if had not of found nmp i have also meet some really nice people goin threw the same stages as me so we have talkd and shared what we have been goin threw over the last few days, i to woz scared at first because i had read up to mutch on the side effects i did feel really rubbish for the first few days but im already makeing baby steps and feeling a bit betta, just thing the side effects will go in the end and the benifits of goin threw them first few weeks will change our lives x

carla g
03-11-10, 11:13
if you look at the post under yours made by rach im new and abit scared it will give you a look on how we have felt since startin them x

paula lynne
03-11-10, 11:13
Welcome, its nice to know you x:welcome:

03-11-10, 12:43
Thanks everyone, just picked up prescription and will go for it and take my 1st one with my lunch. It's so nice to know people are getting through this - a trouble shared is a trouble halfed! :hugs:

03-11-10, 13:05
:welcome: SJM. Sometimes it's not when we're going through something that it takes its toll but afterwards. Good luck with the cit, hope you don't have to wait too long for CBT and glad you're finding NMP helpful x

03-11-10, 13:12
Hi SJM13 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=32214),

I'm a PhD Student, I'm from Mexico but I'm studying in UK, and Im new to this forum as well. I had a panic attack some weeks ago and It happened again the last week twice. It is crazy I awoke at 4am and just felt that I was not breathing enough air and thought that I was going to die. From the last week to now I have expend the days just paying attention to my breath and controlling it, anxious, depress, with nausea etc My GP sent me Citalopram 20mg and I doubted a lot if to take it or not. I took the first pill today at morning and I feel strange Im very scared, I read a thread in this forum about Citalopram and they were saying that it helps but the first weeks you get even worst than you are when start to taking it. Well that is the same that you can read in the leaflet that comes with the pills. But they say as well that it is wort it, it helps after one, two or three weeks.

04-11-10, 10:26
Hi SamurayX,
How are you doing? I have felt a little dizzy and nauseous since taking the first tablet but not too bad. Really tired though last night, but emotional as had a lovely phone call from my manager being really supportive. It is amazing now I have actually admitted that I have a problem I feel a massive relief.
What do you think triggered your panic attacks?
sjm13 x