View Full Version : Sleep/Breathing Issues/Jerking Awake

03-11-10, 15:24
For the past week or so i have been having issues with the symptoms i mentioned in the title.

All day my breathing seems very shallow like i am not getting enough oxygen in and my chest is a bit tight. Feels compressed. I have been trying to get more sleep lately because i have always stayed up late and never got more than 5-6hours of sleep on work nights for months.

I decided that this had to change so now i am trying to get the 7-8 hours of sleep and still cannot do it no matter how tired i am. I go to bed with shallow breathing and i jerk awake like 6or7times before i finally doze off for good. Even then i will wake up hours before my alarm and i will feel the shallow breathing again and it will keep me awake again with body jerks.

I try to breath and relax exercises but it doenst really help. I get thoughts as im laying there that i could be dying of an illness and shallow breathing and is the reason my body is going into shock causing the jerking. This is making me very fatigue at work and i want to sleep more suddenly at my desk during the day then i do at night in my bed. I hate it.

Also my right eye lid will twitch at times which really doesnt bother me but it has been staying bloodshot pretty bad and i dont know why, i have even used visine drops which seemed to work temporairly but now it seems it just makes it worse. I just feel like im falling apart slowly. I dont know what to do :(

03-11-10, 18:00
Hi Jay, I posted a similar thread on the health anx forum earlier on today. I do the night time jerking.. I do whole body jerks, legs, just a hand and sometimes they are associated with a dream. Doc says anx but I worry it is something else cos I have HA. There are lots of threads about night jolts x

03-11-10, 19:06
Thanks for the reply. Well i bought some unisom today. I am hoping its safe to take because i cant seem to get more than 6hrs of sleep and i know my body needs a lot more. I keep waking up in the night at times and find it hard to get back to sleep especially feeling the shallow breathing and then jerking again.

Is unisom safe to take and wondering how long i can take it for?