View Full Version : Feeling sick when panicking???

03-11-10, 16:10

Wasnt too sure where to post this because it might come under the phobia's section too... but il start here.

Iv been to work this morning and whilst i was there i was very anxious (I always am when im in work so this was normal for me and didnt think much about it..)

I then had some lunch etc and then we had a team meeting and i suddenly just felt really sick - I have a HUGE vomit phobia so i automatically freeked and had a very bad panic attack - i stayed though and didnt run out or move away, i just got on with it... pounding heart, hot/cold sweats, shaky, tense etc etc but i was terrified i had caught a stomach bug.
I have always been fine with the team meetings etc because they are very informal, only 4 of us today - everyone knows that i suffer panic attacks etc and everyone is very supportive so i know i can go out for some air if needed, so i really dont know where this panic attack came from...

We had been talking about illnesses in the morning and there has been a stomach bug going around abit so this might have been on my subconcious mind?!

But my question was, is it normal to feel really sick just before or during a panic attack? It has never really been a symptom of mine, although i have this huge phobia about it!

Im just scared now incase im ill or have a bug? Im home now and dont feel sick, iv eaten etc just feel very drained......

Does this sound like a typical panic attack? xx

03-11-10, 17:03
im the same im often sick when i have a panic attack which makes me vomit more..... so im guessing its just anoither symptomto add to the never ending list :weep: xx

03-11-10, 18:25
You've just described a classic panic attack, nothing to worry about:hugs:

I had a really bad one last week, i felt like i was going to be sick which makes me panic and feel even worse.
It does feel like a stomach bug when you have a panic attack, and until you calm down and start to feel better you realise it was just panic all along.

Take some ginger biscuits to work, then if you feel sick again, suck on them and slowly eat them, ginger works miracles when you feel sick, i cant be without them now xxx

03-11-10, 19:21
Thank you for your replies..

It has never been a symptom of mine, i always panic about being sick.. not actually feel it!

I hate it.... dreading work in the morning incase it happens again!! xx