View Full Version : Hi, does anyone feel the same?

03-11-10, 16:32
I'm new to this please help
Hi, I am a 29 year old fit and healthy male, i have been feeling faint ( at worst almost fainting but never do) for over a year, this started off as a one off, then on job interviews, stuck in traffic, busy places etc and is getting a lot worse, I have been tested for everything physical even brain scans and all ok.
The docs tell me it's anxiety, I am not sure if I am as I have no real reason to be but had to accept it, I was taking 40mg of beta blockers once day and it wasn't really doing anything, and as I play football I couldn't do both. The put me on citloPram on Monday, (20mg) I knew nothing about these and didn't check them out, 2 hours after taking one I had a near faint incident feeling very I'll and since feel like a zombie can't get up feel low, not eaten or drank anything, very spaced out and not myself, worse than my usual self.
I have spoken to my doc and they have said don't take anymore which I don't want to anyway but how long until I feel normal, or any advise.?

Thanks if u can help

03-11-10, 16:33
Hi Abbo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

03-11-10, 17:54
Hi Abbo (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=32268),

Well I started to feel this kind of coming from nowere anxiaty this month, I had a panick attack and I am just cheking my breath, because when the panick attack happend I felt that I was not breathing enough air. I started with Citalopram today and I feel bad as usual, nauseas, very down, anxius some times but the new symptom is some kind of tremor and a little shaky. Yes I as well want to be fine hopefully this pills will work for me eventaugh Im very scared. Hopefully youll find other solution.

My girldfriend always buys these DVD's of pilates and stuff sha has a DVD of yoga we have been doing it for two days and to be honest that has been the best moment of my days.

03-11-10, 18:22
I think finding something to take your mind off it helps but I find it really hard,
I play football and I was always my escape but now doesn't seem to work.
I believe like a lot of people say I just need to face it and tell myself I'm ok but that is very hard when I feel so faint all the time.
The pills are starting to wear off now it's been 24hrs and I'm starting to feel better, maybe I should of gone longer but I hated that feeling.
I hope they work for u maybe a lower dose would be better.

03-11-10, 19:03
Hi Guys
I was given citalopram when I was first diagnosed with anxiety a couple of years ago and it did not agree with me at all. There will be people on here who swear by it but as with any drugs it does not suit everyone. I took it for two months and other than feeling rotten for the first week it no effect on me at all so the doc took me off it and suggested I try St Johns wort, a natural remedy, instead. It may be the placebo effect but it works for me so that’s I am happy.

For sure exercise is a great tonic. I do a cardio workout three times a week and I’m sure this plays a big a part of the treatment as any other, diet is also important. Again may be physiological but I recon if the body is the best you can get it its a good platform to build on.

Oh and welcome aboard :D

03-11-10, 19:09
Hi Guys
I was given citalopram when I was first diagnosed with anxiety a couple of years ago and it did not agree with me at all. There will be people on here who swear by it but as with any drugs it does not suit everyone. I took it for two months and other than feeling rotten for the first week it no effect on me at all so the doc took me off it and suggested I try St Johns wort, a natural remedy, instead. It may be the placebo effect but it works for me so that’s I am happy.

For sure exercise is a great tonic. I do a cardio workout three times a week and I’m sure this plays a big a part of the treatment as any other, diet is also important. Again may be physiological but I recon if the body is the best you can get it its a good platform to build on.

Oh and welcome aboard :D

Thanks groundhog, I tend to think unless I really need these pills I would much rather stay fit, breath in the right way and take natural meeds, easier said than done I know,
I have only ever heard of bacht ( I think u spell it like that) and have gone through many bottles without anything happening, what is st johns wart and were can I get some etc?

03-11-10, 20:25
On the left of any page there is an index, click on natural remedies and there is a list of different options and an explanation of how they work. I take St Johns wort and Vitamin B complex as well as exercising and eating well. I also see a psychologist and that has proven to be a major step forward, it’s amazing how they work and the way they get you to think differently.

St John’s Wort is available anywhere, health shops, chemists, Tesco’s, I get mine from Boots cos they are on 3 for 2 at the moment

03-11-10, 20:53
On the left of any page there is an index, click on natural remedies and there is a list of different options and an explanation of how they work. I take St Johns wort and Vitamin B complex as well as exercising and eating well. I also see a psychologist and that has proven to be a major step forward, it’s amazing how they work and the way they get you to think differently.

St John’s Wort is available anywhere, health shops, chemists, Tesco’s, I get mine from Boots cos they are on 3 for 2 at the moment
Thanks, as silly as it sounds that's a help for me as hearing something so simple can help makes me feel positive, I will give them a go

03-11-10, 21:07
my names natasha and i`m 19.. i suffer from really bad anxiety i`m dizzy all the time my lifes just 1 big panic all the time i worry about everything.. i hate this feeling its taken over my life. i havent been 2 the docs yet.. this sounds stupid because i`m scared they give me tablets and it makes the dizzyness worse? :( please help i want this to stop. thanks you x

03-11-10, 21:08
please help me ?? x

03-11-10, 21:08
send me private messages.. i dont know how 2 work this site very well yet only just joined. thanks x

03-11-10, 22:07
please help me ?? x

Hi Natasha
I can only talk from my own experience and to be honest I don't really have any faith in any of the 20+ doctors I have seen, what I am starting to understand is anxiety can happen without any reason and somehow u can control it, you should see the doctor and be checked for everything else as u may have a thyroid problem or inner ear balance problem.
I hope in some way I can help but I am very new to this myself.

04-11-10, 10:39
Hi natashal01,
You really need to go to see your GP. Don't be scared they are used to this as it is very common. I was petrified to admit what I was going through and found it especially difficult because I actually work in Primary Care and never thought this could happen to me and am very proud.

Now I have admitted it to my friends and family I feel an enormous weight has lifted.

You need to allow yourself to be helped for things to get better.


07-11-10, 16:14
hey... dont worry i`m the same and most people on this site are the same.. i`m new to this site aswell just a week i`m 19 and suffer from it all.. its very scary i came on here for advice and every1 had told me 2 go 2 the docs... i went and i have an appointment at the hospital to c some 1 next week.. i was 2 scarde 2 go 2 the docs.. i hate standing in placing waiting and i was also scarde of them putting me on tablets and i am stil scarde because i dont want the meds to make my dizzyness worse that it already is.. but i have 2 do something i`m still younge i cant live life like this its terrible.. your not alone dont worry.. and go back to your docs tell them you play football and you want yous feeling to go away you cant go on like this.. just remember you werent born with this it will go away. you just need abit of help for it to go.. and it wont take weeks to go away it will take time its all in the head.. its really hard to say its not easy but try not to worry to much.. hope you find the hep you need hunnie. xx